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Among applicants for Imun I Park Xi and Hillstate e-Pyeonhansesangmunjeong, which recently sold, there is talk that “we will not include options such as balcony expansion.” The reason is to meet the conditions for the special loan for newborns that will be released next year.
According to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport on the 19th, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport plans to launch a ‘Newborn Special Loan’ targeting households giving birth next year to overcome the low birth rate. Households that have given birth within two years of the loan application date (applicable from birth in 2023) and have an income of 130 million won or less can apply. The interest rate is 1.6-3.3% per year, which is about 1-3 percentage points lower than the market interest rate. The government plans to supply about 27 trillion won next year, so interest from consumers is already high.
The reason why some recent applicants are considering not including the option is because the housing value standard, which is one of the conditions for special loans for newborns, is 900 million won or less.
The sale price of 59㎡ exclusively for Imun I Park Xi is in the range of KRW 820 million to KRW 1 billion. The sale price for a 59㎡ unit exclusively for Hillstate e-Pyeonhansesang Munjeong was set at KRW 877 million to KRW 888.46 million. Even if you win a house priced under 900 million won, if you select options such as balcony expansion and system air conditioning, the final sale price will exceed 900 million won.
A subscription winner from Imun I Park Xi said, “If I use the balcony expansion option, I don’t think I will be able to receive a special loan for newborns because the sale price exceeds 900 million won,” and “I am thinking about not choosing the option.”
In relation to this, an official from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport said, “In the case of pre-sale apartments, loan screening will be conducted based on the pre-sale price like existing stepping stone loans.” This is a point where consumers inevitably become more concerned about whether to choose an option ahead of the contract.
Since pre-sale apartments often take a long time to be registered, there are concerns that special loans for newborns may not be available. Regarding this, an official from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport explained, “Like the post-mortgage loans provided by general banks, special loans for newborns are also available before registration.”
The fact that applicants for pre-sale complexes with about 1 to 2 years left to move in are also inquiring about the availability of special loans for newborns shows that there is a lot of interest in the government’s policy loans. The special housing loan launched this year has already surpassed the supply target of 39.6 trillion won in September due to high demand from actual users.
Ko Jong-wan, president of the Korea Asset Management Research Institute, said, “The government’s supply target of 27 trillion won is not a small amount,” and added, “The newborn special loan will have a soft landing effect on real estate, similar to the special nest loan.”
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Maekyung.com Co., Ltd.
190 Toegye-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul
Publication date: 2009.11.30 / Registration date: 2009.11.30
Publisher/Editor: Kim Jeong-wook
Internet newspaper registration number: Seoul A01043
Phone: 02) 2000-2114