신용회복위원회 소액대출 Delinquent Loan Micro Loan Eligibility and 8 Possible Places

The New Hope Healing Loan provides long-term low-interest emergency funds such as school expenses, medical expenses, and living expenses for ordinary people and vulnerable groups among financial victims caused by voice phishing, illegal private finance, and incomplete sales of funds. 신용회복위원회 소액대출

If your annual income is less than 20 million won, you can apply without any credit rating restrictions. jasminevista.com

When applying for a loan, proof documents such as a damage report confirmation and a case accident reception confirmation are required, and the loan limit is 5 million won at a 3% annual loan rate. Preferential interest rates will be applied at 2% per year for sincere and injured patients.

New Hope Healing Loan Eligibility
Financial victims with an annual income of 20 million won or less or a credit rating of 6 or less and an annual income of 40 million won or less
New Hope Healing Loan Limit
Up to KRW 5 million within the scope of financial damage
New Hope Healing Loan Interest Rate
3% per annum and 2% per annum for faithful payment of principal and interest for more than 24 months
New Hope Healing Loan Loan Period and Repayment Method
2-year deferment 3-year equal installment repayment of principal and interest (maximum 5 years)
👇 Check out the details below for credit recovery committee microloans!

신용회복위원회 소액대출
Credit Recovery Commission microloans
a small loan for emergency living expenses
Microfinance is a micro-loan project that provides unsecured and unguaranteed self-support funds such as start-up and operation funds to the financially underprivileged who have difficulty using financial institutions.

Microfinance allows loans for emergency livelihood funds as well as start-up and operation funds.

Microfinance eligibility conditions
A person who meets any of the following requirements, whether he/she is a start-up (scheduled) or an existing business operator
A person whose personal credit rating falls under the bottom 20/100*
As of 2022, NICE 744 and KCB 700 or less
Those who are recipients of basic living and those who are below the secondary level; or
A person who meets the qualification requirements for applying for a work incentive
microcredit loan limit
Emergency Living Fund: KRW 20 million
microfinance interest rate
4.5% per annum
👇 Check out more information on emergency small loans for living expenses below!

a small loan for emergency living expenses
A small loan of 500,000 won and 1 million won
Kakao Bank emergency loan
Kakao Bank emergency loans can be borrowed from grades 1 to 8, and loans from a minimum of 500,000 won to a maximum of 3 million won are available at 5.38% per year regardless of job or income.

Those aged 19 or older, those with external credit ratings (CB) between 1st and 8th grades, and those who can issue Seoul Guarantee Insurance insurance policies are eligible for loans.

Since it is a negative bank account method, paying interest on loans only for the amount used can reduce the interest burden.

Kakao Bank’s emergency loan cap
500,000 won to 3 million won
Kakao Bank Emergency Money Loan Period
1 year
Kakao Bank’s emergency loan interest rate
6.195% to 15.000% per annum (as of December 23, 2022)
Hana Bank Hana OneQ Emergency Money Loan
Hana OneQ emergency fund loans can be borrowed if you have a credit rating of 8 or higher, 19 years of age or older, or if you can issue Seoul Guarantee Insurance insurance policies.

You can review and apply through a non-face-to-face mobile application without submitting documents using the Hana OneQ app.

Hana OneQ Emergency Payment Loan Eligibility
Those aged 19 or older, with a credit rating of 8 or higher, and who can issue insurance policies for Seoul Guarantee Insurance
Hana OneQ Emergency Payment Loan Limit
Minimum KRW 500,000 to KRW 3 million (available within the guaranteed amount of Seoul Guarantee Insurance Co., Ltd.)
Hana OneQ emergency loan interest rate
6.496 to 7.096% per annum
Hana OneQ Emergency Payment Loan Period
12 months
👇 Check out the details below for a small loan of 500,000 won and 1 million won!