신용회복위원회 소액대출 자격 Those who have received debt adjustment from the Credit Recovery Committee and have faithfully implemented the repayment plan for more than 6 months or have completed the implementation within the past 3 years
Loan support of up to KRW 15 million (varies by product) at a low interest rate of 4.0% or less per annum
• Apply for in-person counseling at a national branch of the Credit Recovery Committee or the Microfinance Integration Support Center • Apply for online counseling through the Cyber Counseling Department of the Credit Recovery Committee (cyber.ccrs.or.kr)
• Credit Recovery Committee (☎1600-5500) • Credit Recovery Committee Cyber Counseling Department (cyber.ccrs.or.kr)
Business registration number: 616-82-13081 | Social Welfare Council Hall, 12-1 Cheongpungnam 8-gil, Jeju-si, Jeju-do (1112-1 Hwabuk 1-dong) TEL: 064-702-3784 | FAX: 064-702-3383
Copyright 2010 by Jeju Council on Social Welfare All Reserver.