아동복지통합서비스 사이버교육센터 신청 및 대상자 조회 Child Welfare Integrated Service Cyber ​​Education Center Application and Target Inquiry

The Integrated Child Welfare Service Cyber ​​Education Center is a public institution operated by the Child Rights Guarantee Agency and provides training for child welfare workers in accordance with the Child Welfare Act. This is aimed at child protection experts, local children’s center employees, and foster care support center workers.

아동복지통합서비스 사이버교육센터

아동복지통합서비스 사이버교육센터

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Training content

The training content covers a variety of areas. This includes child education, parent education, guardian education, employee education, qualification training, adoption awareness improvement education, child abuse prevention education, and disappearance prevention education. This promotes the healthy growth and development of children and contributes to preventing child abuse.


Training target

Those receiving training include public officials from 17 cities, counties, and districts across the country, child welfare-related personnel, and general public officials.


teaching method

Training consists of online training, group audio-visual training, and group training (instructor training). Each course can be taken through an online platform.

General rights

children’s education

Parent/Guardian Training

worker training

Adoption awareness improvement education

Qualification/Training Course

Statutory mandatory training (public sector for those required to report)

Disappearance prevention education

Children’s policy impact assessment

Psychological and emotional support project for domestic adoptive families

Children’s policy implementation plan


How to apply
Applications for training at the Integrated Child Welfare Service Cyber ​​Education Center are made on the website. You can apply online by selecting the training you require.


Additional inquiries
If you need more information, you can contact the Child Rights Guarantee Customer Center. Below are the customer service contact details:

Phone number: 02-6454-8500

Please refer to the information above to find out more about the Integrated Child Welfare Service Cyber ​​Education Center.


Go to Child Rights Guarantee Center

Go to Child Welfare Integrated Service Cyber ​​Education Center


Training content

Training target

teaching method

Child education, parent education, guardian education, employee education, qualification training, adoption awareness improvement education, child abuse prevention education, disappearance prevention education

Public officials from 17 cities, counties, and districts across the country, child welfare-related personnel, general public officials, etc.

Online training, group audio-visual training, group training (instructor training)

Adoption awareness improvement training, child policy impact assessment

Officials from 17 cities, provinces, and 226 cities, counties, and districts nationwide

Online education (watching educational videos)

Training for mandatory reporters (education for mandatory reporters of child abuse), child abuse prevention education in the public sector

Workers in 26 occupations, national organizations, local governments, public institutions, etc.

Online training (live lectures), offline or online training