아이템매니아 거래하는법 Item Mania Trading Method Points to note when trading fees

아이템매니아 거래하는법1. Item Mania transaction method
2. Transaction method and fee
3. Points to note when trading

Item Mania – Fee – Precautions – Points

Let’s take a look at the trading method of Item Mania. Sellers register product names and prices on each game bulletin board, and when buyers apply for a purchase of an item they like, a transaction is made.

At this time, the buyer’s cash is held for a while until the transaction is concluded or destroyed by the program that brokers the transaction, and when the seller hands over the goods to the buyer and the buyer correctly receives the goods, the buyer’s cash is transferred to the seller through the takeover button, and the transaction is concluded. It becomes.

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Let’s learn about sales registration, purchase application methods, and fees.

Item Mania – Fee

When you have finished entering the information, click the ‘Sell Registration’ button below and complete the registration.

Just like sales registration, you can enter the purchase quantity and purchase amount. Units of 1 won cannot be entered, and it is possible to enter from 3,000 won or more. Buyers are not charged any extra fees. If you have entered all the information, go down and click ‘Purchase Registration’ to complete the purchase registration.

Due to the nature of the transaction, the possibility of damage to the seller is greater. Because it is a method of handing over the goods first and receiving money, there are many situations in which the buyer receives the goods and loses contact.

Usually, confirmation is made within 10 minutes after taking over, but if 10 minutes have passed and there is still no confirmation, you must make a phone call or request a takeover through the customer center. Nevertheless, if you are diving, you can report it to the prosecutor’s office. Because game items and game money are recognized as legal property, legal punishment is possible, and there are actually several court precedents.

When a purchase request comes in, the seller must first look at the buyer’s information and check the creditworthiness. The higher the number of purchases and the higher the transaction completion rate, the higher the credit rating. It’s also important to keep track of calls and texts sent and received. Calls should be recorded whenever possible, and video recording is a good idea.

Buyers say that there is little chance of being scammed because it is the way to receive the item first. But be wary of sellers trying to trick you into low-fee account transactions in order to get your money first. This type of scam is said to be a lot of people with little trading experience.

Also, it is said that it is 100% fraud that the seller recommends installing the program under the pretext of security. If you download and run it without thinking, personal information as well as malicious programs such as ransomware may be installed.

So far, we have looked at how to trade Item Mania, fees, and points to be aware of when trading.

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아이템매니아 거래하는법
