어린이 보호구역 속도위반 벌금 조회하는 방법 How to check fines for speeding in child protection zones

What is a school zone or child protection zone? & fines
A certain section of the road within a 300m radius of the main entrance gate of an elementary school is designated as a school zone and child protection zone from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. regardless of weekdays or weekends for the purpose of protecting preschool and elementary school children. However, if there is no separate designated time, you can assume that it is operated as a child protection zone 24 hours a day on weekdays and weekends.


어린이 보호구역 속도위반

어린이 보호구역 속도위반

Vehicles are prohibited from passing, parking or stopping in child protection zones, and the speed of traffic is limited to 30 km/h in accordance with the designation and management of child protection zones (Article 12 of the Road Traffic Act).


If a traffic accident occurs in a child protection zone, you may be subject to imprisonment for 1 to 15 years or a fine ranging from 5 million won to 30 million won, so you must drive especially slowly and drive safely.


[School zone, children’s protection zone, speeding fine standards]

Fines vary depending on the speed of vehicles passing within the school zone or child protection zone. Fines are divided into four sections and are levied according to the excessive speed of the vehicle.


If the speed exceeds 20km/h, 50,000 won will be charged for two-wheeled vehicles, 70,000 won for passenger cars, and 70,000 won for vans. If the speed exceeds 20 km/h but does not exceed 40 km/h, 70,000 won will be charged for two-wheeled vehicles, 100,000 won for passenger vehicles, and 110,000 won for vans.

If the speed exceeds 40km/h but is less than 60km/h, 90,000 won for two-wheeled vehicles, 130,000 won for passenger cars, and 140,000 won for vans are charged. If the speed exceeds 60km/h, 110,000 won for two-wheeled vehicles, 160,000 won for passenger cars, and 170,000 won for vans are charged. It’s possible. However, if the speed exceeds 30 km/h but does not exceed 45 km/h, a 20% fine reduction is possible.


The fine is levied on the vehicle owner and proceeds through a prior notification period – 1st fine – 2nd fine (3% additional fine, 1.2% additional fine) – seizure, so it is recommended to pay in advance.


Penalty point standards for speeding in school zones and child protection zones
Penalties for speeding in school zones and child protection zones are also assessed based on the excessive speed. However, penalty points are not imposed on all vehicles, but when a driver is found to have committed a speed violation. Of course, if you are caught by a traffic police officer at the time of speeding, you will be subject to fines and penalty points.


The standards for speeding violations in children’s protection zones are 70,000 won and 15 penalty points for two-wheeled vehicles if the speed exceeds 20 km/h. If the speed exceeds 20km/h but is less than 40km/h, a fine of 100,000 won and 30 penalty points will be imposed on the passenger car. If the speed exceeds 40km/h but less than 60km/h, a fine of 120,000 won and 60 penalty points will be imposed on the passenger car. Lastly, if the speed exceeds 60 km/h, a fine of 150,000 won will be imposed on the passenger vehicle, plus 120 penalty points.


If you receive penalty points, the fine you have to pay will be about 10,000 won cheaper than the fine, but it can actually be seen as advantageous to pay the fine. The reason is that if you accumulate more than 40 demerit points, your license will be suspended for 1 day for each point. For example, if you get 40 demerit points, your license will be suspended for 40 days. Additionally, if your cumulative demerit point score is more than 121 points in one year, more than 201 points in two years, or more than 271 points in three years, your license will be revoked, so you must continuously manage it. Please note that penalty points are accumulated over a period of 3 years from the date of violation, and may expire if no penalty points are incurred within 1 year from the date of the last violation.


Speeding in child protection zones, insurance premium implications & parking violations
If you violate traffic laws in school zones, child protection zones, or crosswalks, you may be subject to a surcharge on your car insurance premium. If you violate pedestrian protection obligations 2-3 times, such as speeding more than 20km/h in a child protection zone or failing to stop temporarily when there are pedestrians on the crosswalk, a 5% surcharge will be applied to your insurance premium.


However, if you are caught exceeding 20 km/h more than twice in a child protection zone designated as a school zone, or if you violate pedestrian protection at the crosswalk more than four times, a whopping 10% surcharge will be applied to your insurance premium, so please note this and be careful.


[Parking violation in school zone and child protection zone]

Normally, parking is permitted on roads designated as school zones and child protection zones. However, as an exception, buses for commuting to school and vehicles with children’s boarding and disembarkation signs may stop for approximately 5 minutes to allow boarding and disembarkation. If you stop for more than 5 minutes, you will be subject to a fine for illegal parking, and a fine of 120,000 won will be imposed for a passenger vehicle.


**School zone, children’s protection zone, speed, traffic violation inquiry

I’m sure you’ve probably had the experience of feeling something flashing when you pass by a speeding camera. In this case, you can check the crackdown details through the National Police Agency’s Traffic Civil Service 24 website. After verifying your identity, you can check the history of recent speeding, traffic lights, etc. from unmanned enforcement equipment.


In school zones and child protection zones, fines and fines are doubled compared to regular roads, regardless of whether it is a weekday or a weekend, so drivers are advised to be especially careful and drive safely. thank you