엔카 홈서비스 3 Disadvantages of Encar Home Service (ft. K-Car Comparison) – Blogwiki

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This post explains the disadvantages of Enka Home Service. Compared to the past, buying a used car has become very easy. This is because there is a service that allows you to receive a used car in the same location as a new car. A typical example of such a home service is Enka. However, it is not the only advantage. Disadvantages also exist. I compared it with K-Car, which provides the same home service.
As you can see from the name, it is a service that allows you to receive a used car to the desired place, the so-called house. Representative sites that are currently providing home service for used cars are K-Car, Enka, and KB Cha-Cha-Cha. From the consumer’s point of view, the act of ordering on the homepage is the same, so you know it as the same sales service. Differences do exist.
Encar and KB Cha Cha Cha are vehicles sold by so-called used car dealers, not for sale on the so-called site, with Encar only guaranteeing the vehicle. In other words, the ownership of the vehicle is not Encar, but each dealer.
In contrast to Yen, in the case of K-Car, home service is provided for vehicles purchased directly by the company. In other words, K-Car’s vehicles are provided as home service. Since you are selling your own vehicle, the simplicity of the procedure builds trust. However, compared to Encar sold through dealers across the country, there are relatively fewer vehicles because they sell vehicles that they purchased directly.
There are differences between these different platforms, but at first glance, you may not be aware of the advantages and disadvantages. It seems that there is a lot of interest in Encar, which has the most registered vehicles. I will explain the disadvantages of Enka home service compared to K-Car, so it seems to be judged to some extent.
Please note that the downsides of Encar Home Service below are compared to K-Car, a direct vehicle sales company.
Encar advertises that the vehicle can be refunded within 7 days, but in reality, a separate refund does not occur until the 3rd day, and a so-called refund fee is charged from the 4th day. Therefore, it is correct to say that it is returned only within 3 days, the same as Keika.
By the way, it is said that all expenses except for the so-called consignment fee will be refunded in case of return within 3 days. It seems to be the most obvious disadvantage of Enka home service.
A kind of 3-day refund period means that you can use it for a while and decide on the vehicle by giving it a period. If a significant mileage is achieved within 3 days, used car dealers will lose a lot.
Encar also receives a so-called mileage excess charge if the mileage of the vehicle received through the home service exceeds 100KM. Depending on the type of vehicle and expensive domestic or imported cars, a minimum of 15,000 won to a maximum of 100,000 won per 100km is charged.
It seems to be an appropriate measure to prevent abuse of the home service. However, in the case of K-Car Home Service, there is no separate charge for exceeding the mileage. In other words, in the case of K-Car, as long as it is returned within 3 days regardless of the mileage, there is no additional fee other than the shipping fee, but in the case of Encar Home Service, a separate fee is charged.
The drawback of Enka Home Service that you don’t know about if you have not purchased it is the refund point. In the case of Kei-Car, if you want a refund, you can return it to branches nationwide. The branch information is also announced on the homepage, so you can check the branch information near your residence in advance.
On the other hand, in case of Encar home service, there is no designated place. The reason is because it is a vehicle owned by various dealers across the country, as explained earlier. Since the dealer in question is unlikely to be a nationwide branch holder like K-Car, they are often guided to an agreed-upon repair shop.
Since there are not many such agreed-upon repair shops and separate spaces, there are cases in which consignment is requested at the time of refund. In other words, there is a possibility that a separate fee may be paid even in the process of refunding. Of course, it doesn’t matter if you drive yourself to the return location, but the situation where you don’t know where to refund it honestly makes me anxious.
Above, we have told you about the 3 disadvantages of Encar Home Service and how it differs from direct operators such as K-Car. Rather than saying that this article is a disadvantage, it is better to take it as a means to clearly point out the information when purchasing a used car online and make a transaction. The choice is yours.
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