엘레나 질유산균 가격 및 후기,복용방법(feat.공식홈페이지) Elena Vaginal Lactobacillus price, reviews, and how to take it (feat. Official website)

Let’s find out about Elena’s vaginal lactobacillus effect and other information. Women’s health seems to be getting more and more important. In the past, things that were taboo to even mention are now brought up first and become the center of conversation.

엘레나 질유산균 가격

엘레나 질유산균 가격

Elena’s vaginal lactobacillus contains Respecta®.

This is called ‘vaginal health functional lactic acid bacteria’ whose functionality has been recognized by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.


If you are looking for Respecta vaginal lactobacillus, you may want to refer to it.

In addition, I think it would be good for those who are looking for lactic acid bacteria that are good for women to read and get to know them.


Because vaginal health is a very important part for women

It would be nice if you read to the end and learn about vaginal lactobacillus products to help your health.


Learn about the characteristics of Nutricore Vaginal Lactobacillus Efficacy Ingredients
Nutricore Vaginal Lactobacillus product photo
Nutricor WCS Inner Probiotics
1. Respecta Lactobacillus

The first advantage of Nutricore Inner Probiotics is ‘Respecta’.


Respecta® probiotics reduce vaginal discharge, reduce vaginal itching (itching),

reduction, reduction in vaginal recurrence rate, establishment and proliferation of lactic acid bacteria in the vagina, improvement of vaginitis index, etc.

It is said that there is a significant improvement effect as a result of human application test.


There must be many women who suffer from or worry about vaginitis and vaginal discharge.

Respecta Lactobacillus seems to bring a good effect to those who have inflammation and symptoms related to the vagina.


I think it will be good information for those who are looking for Respecta Probiotics, a functional ingredient.


2. Simultaneous care for vaginal health and intestinal health

The second advantage of Nutricore Inner Probiotics is ‘simultaneous care for vaginal and intestinal health’.


The advantages of vaginal lactobacillus are not only women’s vaginal health, but also

It also helps to improve constipation and irritable bowel syndrome, which are common among women.


It is important to improve vaginal health, but bowel movement is smooth and

You can feel that your body is healthy when your gut health is strong.


Take care of vaginal health and intestinal health at the same time

If you are looking for lactobacillus products, it would be nice to refer to it.



3. Patented Lactobacillus and customized formulation for female vaginal health

The third advantage of Nutricore Inner Probiotics is ‘patented lactic acid bacteria and formulation’.


U.S. & European patented lactic acid bacteria, Lactobacillus acidophilus (US patent),

It is said to contain Lactobacillus rhamnose (European patent) lactic acid bacteria.


This lactic acid bacteria has strong characteristics against gastric acid and bile acid, and naturally settles inside the vagina.

It is said to play a role in suppressing harmful bacteria by maintaining an acidic environment in the vagina.


And it is said that it is a combination specialized for health to contain 54 mg of lactoferrin.

Lactoferrin is a type of protein that is abundant in colostrum.


Also, the number of guaranteed bacteria is on the high side with 5 billion CFU.

It would be nice to refer to those who carefully look at the raw materials of lactic acid bacteria, the number of guaranteed bacteria, and the mixture of strains.



4. Zinc + Vitamin D Sub-Ingredients

The fourth advantage of Nutricore Inner Probiotics is ‘functional supplementary material’.


Lactobacillus for women as well as dry yeast (zinc + vitamin D)

It is characterized by the fact that it is contained as an auxiliary ingredient.


Zinc is a necessary component for normal immunity and cell division.

Vitamin D is necessary for the formation and maintenance of bones, absorption of calcium and phosphorus,

It is a component that helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis.


And it’s not just probiotics.

It is a new biotics product because it contains prebiotics (probiotics food).


This is done by ingesting lactic acid bacteria and lactobacillus food at the same time.

It can be said that the viability and growth of lactic acid bacteria are ingested at once.


If you are looking for supplementary ingredients and new biotics quality lactobacillus products, you can refer to it.



Nutricore Vaginal Lactobacillus Inner Probiotics Price List
Nutricore Inner Probiotics Price List
(female vaginal health lactobacillus)
Capacity 1 box – (2gX30 pouches for 1 month)
(Refer to Nutricor Official Naver Store)
1 box inner
box inner
discount price
54,000 won discount
216,000 won discount price
KRW 402,000
per box
KRW 54,000 per box
KRW 43,200 per box
KRW 40,200
Shipping – Free


Nutricore Vaginal Lactobacillus purchase customer reviews and rating summary
I looked at customer reviews of Nutricore Vaginal Lactobacillus Inner Probiotics.

There are more than 13,900 customer reviews, and the rating is ‘4.7 out of 5, which is very high in satisfaction’.

Let’s take a look at the best reviews and general reviews.


– This is a vaginal lactobacillus that I have been eating for almost 2 years.

I went to a gynecologist, and the gynecologist also said it was good to take vaginal lactobacillus.

I don’t know at first, but after eating it steadily, it works and the taste is not bad like scorched rice powder.

Nutricor products seem to be the most effective even though they are expensive.


– I am suffering from vaginitis. I took another vaginal lactobacillus for a year, but the vaginitis showed no signs of disappearing.

While looking for Respecta products, I found and purchased Nutricore products.

First of all, the number of guaranteed bacteria was 5 billion, and there were nutrients up to zinc and vitamin D, so I bought it because I thought it was 2 trillion with one stone.

The taste is as good as the taste of rice flour, and the particles are fine, so it is easy to shake off.


– As a result of searching for more than a month, there was no product with as good ingredients as this product.

It seems to be made to be the most efficient and convenient to eat

I got to know Nutricore with vaginal lactobacillus, but I thought the other products were good, so I put them in my shopping cart.


– For candidiasis, she went to the gynecologist for several months and received treatment, but it recurs again and the cure is not good.

I heard from the teacher, but I was looking for vaginal lactobacillus and bought it.

It’s the first time I’ve felt so refreshed after eating it for a week, and I’m feeling so satisfied.


– If the ingredients are good, there are many products that smell bad, but this is powder, but like rice powder

It has a savory scent and is slightly slippery when mixed with water, so it is smooth to go down your throat.

I suffered from vaginitis often, but while eating this, the symptoms improved much faster, and now my vaginal health is clear.


– I couldn’t eat the female lactobacillus capsules because I had severe stomach pain.

I looked it up and they said it was all because of the additives.

I just started taking this product, but it’s good because I don’t have stomach pain.


– This is a product my mother eats constantly. This is already the 4th time I reorder.

Personally, the price of nutritional supplements is a bit burdensome, but the 4+1 service event here seems to be completely effective.

Anyway, if you eat it all, I’m going to come back to buy again.


– Purchased to relieve vaginitis

I chose this product because it met all the important criteria for choosing vaginal lactobacillus.

It’s been two days since I took 5 billion CFU, zinc, vitamin D, and official certification, and I hope it works.


‘Ingredients are good’, ‘No stomach pain’, ‘It’s easy to eat because it’s powdered’,

There were many reviews such as ‘the taste is fragrant’, ‘vaginitis has been improved’, ‘the effect is good’, and ‘repurchase’.



Today, we learned about women’s vaginal health lactobacillus Nutricore WCS inner probiotics product.


Those suffering from vaginitis, those looking for lactobacillus for female vaginal health,

I hope it will be good information for those who want to take care of vaginal health and intestinal health at the same time.