예스24 크레마클럽 해지 Ebook Reader Review: Yes24 Crema S/Yes24 Book Club

This year, for some reason, most of the consumption seems to be on electronic devices.

Obviously, I bought and read Amazon Kindle a few months ago, but this time, I spent money reading domestic books with Crema S. 예스24 크레마클럽 해지

예스24 크레마클럽 해지

Not only is it difficult to find time to go to the library when you start working, but even if you want to read the latest books, it is a burden because of the space they take up. Whenever I have time, I can hold it right in my hand and read it, and the advantage of reading the latest books has come to a great extent. Another advantage is that someone borrows the book you want to read, makes a reservation, and does not have to wait for the borrowing date.

I thought a lot because there are various e-book readers, but since I don’t read a lot of web novels or comics, I didn’t consider Ridi Books Paper as an option. In addition, the lack of an open study function was felt as a disadvantage. Kyobo Book Center’s e-book reader was also limited to Kyobo, which came as a disadvantage. In my case, it is because there are a few cases where I subscribe and cancel here and there whenever necessary. I decided on Crema because there were many cases where my acquaintances also used Crema and recommended it. I tend to use it for a long time anyway, so I bought the newest Crema S White from Yes 24. There is also a 60-day coupon for the yes24 book club around 200,000 won, so it’s a good thing.

It arrived about a day after ordering.



Crema S White is the size that can be held in one hand. However, when turning the page, the holder seems to be necessary.

A charging terminal is included inside. However, there is no charger! I had a charger I had and plugged it in, but if you don’t have one, it’s good to prepare in advance.

When I turned it on, there was about 70% battery left.

The Yes24 book club was registered in advance with a computer immediately after delivery, so that the e-book reader could be connected to Wi-Fi and immediately entered. Currently, the book club is free for the first month after joining. In other words, if you use a coupon, you can use it for free for 3 months.

Yes24 Book Club, which currently has about 20,000 books, has a disadvantage compared to other e-book subscription services, but it is not possible to read all the books in 3 months anyway, so I thought there was no loss. I’m thinking of subscribing to Millie’s library when the three-month subscription is over.


The interface is intuitive, so it was easy to set up without a separate manual. Basically, ebook readers are not as fast as cell phones or tablets. Still, the overall UI is as clean as other devices, making it easy to use.

Besides, the battery runs out quickly. Especially when connected to wifi! To download a book, you must be connected to Wi-Fi, but it feels like it is running out at about 1% per minute. Fortunately, it lasts longer if you turn off the Wi-Fi connection.


A little disappointing is that the pages in the actual book do not appear. Sometimes I tend to write down impressive sentences, but it’s not easy because the pages of the book don’t come out. In the case of the Amazon Kindle, the pages from the actual book are also briefly shown below. However, Crema does not seem to have such a function yet. The page information appears at the bottom, but the number changes if you change the display text. It just counts pages turned over in Crema.


So far, I have read about three books with Crema and am using it with great satisfaction. The eyes are not tired and the accessibility is good, so more time is spent reading books. The internet is also cut off, so there is no need to be distracted while reading. I think it’s a good alternative for those who want to increase their reading time.

Of course, I plan to visit the library from time to time. Apparently, the texture of a paper book is something that machines cannot surpass. I also quite like the atmosphere inside the library. I need to get closer to the book again.