우리카드 분실신고 Find out how to report a lost card and cancel it

우리카드 분실신고Hello, the weather seems to have improved a lot.
It’s New Year’s Day in a little while, and they say you’ll be using a lot of cards.
If you do get lost, it’s not too embarrassing.
If you are using our card
If you know how to report a loss
They say it can be convenient
Through Woori Card Customer Center
how to report
Let’s take a look.
Let’s look at two methods.

First, the phone number is 1588-9955 and
After calling anywhere at 1599-9955
If you use speed dial number 8
Woori card loss report and voice phishing report
You can.

Next, speed dial number 1
Report the loss of a personal credit or debit card
If you use it, you can report the loss of our card.
You can do it simply.
Card after reporting
You can find it. In this case
If you want to cancel the report of loss of our card
Please use step 3 to proceed with the application.

Here’s how to use the website.
After accessing our card homepage in the Internet search window,
If you look at the top category above, there is My Card.
If you use here, you can report the loss of our card.
you can proceed.

If you look at My Card, you can report loss and reissuance of Woori Card.
You can use services such as cancellation.
After using the card loss report and cancellation service
Log in with your accredited credentials and proceed with the application
You can give it.
How to report and cancel our card loss
I just found out
If necessary, you can refer to it.

우리카드 분실신고
