우티 택시 사용법 How to use Ooty Taxi

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Unlike before, you can call a taxi conveniently using the mobile phone app without having to catch a taxi yourself. There is an app that allows you to call a taxi called Ooty in the words of Kakao Taxi. It’s good because they often do discount events. Let’s take a look at how to use Ooty Taxi.
Run Ooty Taxi. If it is not installed, use the Google Play Store to install it and then register as a member. Click Where are you going?
Specify your origin and destination.

You can see the route and you can choose what kind of taxi you can call below. Choose the taxi you want. And below that, you can choose your payment method. Since I registered the card, the card was automatically selected.

Payment methods include card and direct payment. You can choose any way you like. If you need to register another card, you can register it by adding a payment method.

We looked at how to use Ooty Taxi. Ooty also has a lot of discount events, so it’s good to use it. I don’t know if taxis are available now, but in the past there was a downside that taxis were not available.

우티 택시 사용법
