이름으로 사람찾기 Searching for people by name

If you need to find a person but don’t have any information other than the name, here’s a way to solve the problem.

In social life, there are times when you need to find a person without knowing information other than the name.

Occasionally, making a list of attendees for an event, or trying to find an old friend, but can’t meet because contact has been lost.

It may sound absurd to search for people by name rather than a secret agency, but aren’t we a generation with the Internet, a sea of information, spread? I’m going to give you some tips for finding people by name legally and simply.

이름으로 사람찾기

First, if you search for people by name in the Naver search box, you will get the following results.

A total of five methods are proposed, but if you look closely, there are two main ones. The first to third and fifth methods are eventually using SNS, and the fourth method is Googling. So, to organize it, find it through SNS or Google search.

이름으로 사람찾기

I would like to recommend a way to find people by name through Google here, and explain it in detail.

In the case of other SNSs, since there is the hassle of registering as a member, I will omit it and show you that you can find people by name without signing up for Facebook or Instagram. (Naver, close your eyes)

In order to successfully find people through search, you need to first check the information you have other than the name.

In addition to the name, even trivial information such as age, photo, region, school birthday, ID, and address can all be tips.

Just remember a few rules

Search in order of main keyword + secondary keyword

The main keyword here is a word that is rare and important.

If the information I have is the name and school, the name is the main keyword, and the school name is entered as a secondary keyword.

As an example, let’s search by name and school of an unspecified person.

(The person and school you are searching for have nothing to do with me.)

Cheat key to find people by name!!

This is actually one of the key points. Just enter the SNS site in front of the keyword and search!

If you search by SNS site + name combination, users with the corresponding name registered in the SNS are searched. You can find out all of them by searching without going into SNS and checking them one by one.


Search further on other portal sites

Since each portal site has different criteria for search results, if you cannot find it using the methods introduced above, searching on various portal sites such as Naver can be an additional method.

The above has summarized the easiest way to find people by name.

I also had a difficult time when the head of the department handed over the list of attendees before a big event at the company and asked me to create a profile of these people. There was a time when it was difficult and frustrating to write a profile list with only your name and current affiliation (current job).

Don’t give up when you say no, and try to find it in various ways, and you will get the desired result.