이마트 재고조회 및 고객센터 알아보기 Check E-Mart inventory and learn about customer service

We would like to introduce a way to check whether a product is in stock at an E-Mart offline store. How to check E-Mart inventory. Since it is an offline store, there may be closed days. We will explain how to use the E-Mart app better so that you can use the offline store smarter.

이마트 재고조회

이마트 재고조회

Be sure to check E-Mart inventory even on closed days.
Be sure to check E-Mart inventory even on closed days.



The contents of this page…


Check E-Mart inventory holiday days
Things to know before visiting an offline E-Mart store
Install the app to check E-Mart inventory
E-Mart and E-Mart Mall, the difference between the two apps
E-Mart inventory check simple procedure
Actual case of inventory check
So, when can I check stock?
How to check E-Mart’s closed days


Check E-Mart inventory holiday days



For those who prefer to purchase products by visiting E-Mart offline stores, the E-Mart app is truly a must-have app. We will summarize the information you need before visiting the E-Mart store.



Things to know before visiting an offline E-Mart store
Although it does not say that it is an app exclusively for E-mart stores, if you have installed the E-mart app, you will not be wasted if you have the items you need at the E-mart store you are visiting. Of course, you may have no choice but to choose another alternative, but there are days like that. The feeling that I can’t do without this today.


Before visiting an E-Mart store, be sure to check inventory and closing days.



Install the app to check E-Mart inventory



The E-Mart app can be installed from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. If you search for the actual E-Mart app in each store, you will see the E-Mart app we will install and an app called ‘E-Mart Mall’ with similar names. The app needed in this article is an app named ‘E-Mart’.


E-Mart and E-Mart Mall, the difference between the two apps
E-Mart vs E-Mart Mall

First of all, E-Mart and E-Mart Mall have different logistics systems. Additionally, the target audiences of the two apps are different.

It is said that E-Mart has a large number of directly purchased products, so there is a large burden on inventory and volume forecasting, and as E-Mart Mall is linked with other products at the Shinsegae Group level, differences in shipping costs and discount rates may occur.

In addition, E-Mart is a service for customers who prefer to visit stores, and E-Mart Mall is a service for customers who want to receive products directly at home.


You can also search for each store and install it yourself. Please use the convenience provided so that you can go to the installation page by simply clicking the button through the link below.


▶ Go to install the [E-Mart] app



E-Mart inventory check simple procedure
Once you have finished installing the E-Mart app, please log in to the E-Mart app. By logging in, you can check the inventory of nearby E-Mart branches near your location. You can also check the inventory of nearby E-Marts more quickly.


E-Mart inventory check procedure

1. Run the E-Mart app and log in.

2. Enter the desired product into the search box.

3. Check the inventory of the searched product.



Actual case of inventory check
Let’s check if the frying pan is in stock. After running the E-Mart app, I tapped the search box at the top and searched for ‘frying pan.’ You can check the inventory status of nearby E-Mart as shown below.


Inventory quantity obtained by searching for the product you want to check inventory in the search box of the E-Mart app
Inventory quantity obtained by searching for the product you want to check inventory in the search box of the E-Mart app

For search results, you can specify flyer products and out-of-stock exclusion options. By default, out of stock exclusion is selected, so out of stock products are not displayed. If you tap the product you want in the search results again, the product name price information and E-Mart purchase benefit information will be displayed, and there is an E-Mart stock check box below so you can check whether the product is in stock.



“E-Mart *** store has ** in stock”


E-Mart Sindorim branch has a 50% discount on 2 or more Happy Call Trigon royal fans IH 30cm. There are 11 items in stock. The event period is listed, and the purchase benefit states that cross-purchasing is also possible.


If you use the E-Mart app, you will be able to check all of these benefits at a glance.



Check stock by searching for Korean beef sirloin on the E-Mart app
Check stock by searching for Korean beef sirloin on the E-Mart app

As it is the end of the year, I think many of you are thinking about eating Korean beef at home. So, I heard that there was a 2023 Soprise at E-Mart Korean Beef Sale, so I looked into it. This part is written like this. You can find all E-Mart branches not only in the area where you live, but also nearby areas and even the furthest places you can go.


It says, “This product is difficult to check stock. Please understand that it is difficult to check stock.”



If E-Mart is out of stock while checking inventory, you can check other stores or check all stores. You can select it by clicking the E-Mart branch name, such as Sindorim Branch, in the search results as shown below.


You can view inventory by selecting a different local branch.
Select another local branch to check stock

There is one good thing to pay attention to here. If you select another E-Mart branch, do not touch anywhere. You must click the ‘Select’ yellow box to check inventory at that branch, so please be aware of this.



So, when can I check stock?
Is it always possible to check stock at E-Mart? What I know is that some times it is not possible to check stock, so I saw that there are times when E-Mart stock can be checked.



E-Mart stock availability time
Check E-Mart inventory availability times


E-Mart inventory can be checked between 08:00 and 23:00. By referring to this part, you will not need to check inventory early in the morning or early in the morning.



Display products available only to those aged 19 or older
Display products available only to those aged 19 or older

Additionally, some items are only available to those aged 19 or older. I think many people will be familiar with this part. This includes things like alcohol. Additionally, identity verification and age verification are required once a year.


How to check E-Mart’s closed days
To check E-Mart’s closed days, click on the E-Mart branch to get detailed information. You will be using the E-Mart app by logging in. If so, please register your favorite stores. It is also very convenient to register your favorite E-Mart branch.



How to check E-Mart branch closing days

When you select an E-Mart branch, you can find the address by road name and street number as shown in the image above. At the bottom, a map of the directions is displayed, and you can see parking information and floor information. Through this, even if it is your first time visiting E-Mart, you will be able to use it without getting lost.


You can check the schedule for the most important E-Mart closure dates, which usually last about 4 weeks.


E-Mart business hours are from 10:00 to 22:00, and most stores are closed on Sundays of the 2nd and 4th weeks. This may also vary depending on the branch, so we recommend that you check again through the E-Mart app.



Until now, it is essential to check E-Mart inventory and check closing days before visiting offline stores. We have explained all this so that you can use it well after installing the E-Mart app. I hope this article will be of great help to you when using E-Mart offline stores.


thank you