이케아 배송 기간 Expected delivery time of IKEA furniture is 9:00 am to 9:00 pm?…Consumers are frustrated with waiting all day – [Issue] Information on public baths – Baths in our neighborhood

이케아 배송 기간When using IKEA (IKEA Korea) delivery service, the expected delivery time is too long, about 12 hours, and consumers are complaining of inconvenience. Mr. Kim (male), who lives in Jung-gu, Incheon, complained of inconvenience after ordering IKEA furniture, saying he had to wait all day after being informed of the delivery time between 9:00 am and 9:00 pm. In case the recipient is absent, the cost of redelivery is borne by the customer. Frustrated, he contacted the IKEA delivery company written in the text, but received an answer that the delivery driver only contacted him separately about an hour before delivery, and it was difficult to provide specific time. In the end, the furniture I ordered arrived around 5:00 PM. Mr. Kim said, “Shouldn’t I be given an approximate time? I had to wait all day at home for furniture to be delivered, so my schedule got in the way.” http://www.consumernews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=642902
Expected delivery time of IKEA furniture is 9:00 am to 9:00 pm?…Consumers are upset about waiting all day – Consumers
Consumers are complaining of inconvenience when using IKEA (IKEA Korea) delivery service, which takes about 12 hours to deliver.
I also experienced the same as Mr. Kim. It still hasn’t improved. The courier delivery also informs you what time it will arrive, but the system keeps you waiting for furniture delivery without any contact.
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이케아 배송 기간
