인터넷 속도 측정 KT Coding like a fool :: Measuring KT Internet speed

인터넷 속도 측정 KThttp://speed.kt.com/

If you go to the link and log in, you will see a page like the picture below.

Alternatively, if you hover your mouse over Customer Support in the menu, the Internet speed measurement below will appear.

If the measurement program is not on your computer, you will automatically be taken to the measurement program installation page.

Windows users click Windows, and Mac users click MacOs to download the file.
Downloaded measurement program

Start installation.

There is nothing difficult about the installation process, so I will pass.
When installation is complete

Choose an installation location and start the speed test. The result appears as below. end!
As expected, the 100 megabytes are only about half. Downloading is half, uploading is 1/3….

인터넷 속도 측정 KT
