일용직 실업급여 신청방법 및 조건 How to apply for daily worker unemployment benefits and conditions

Daily workers are also eligible to receive unemployment benefits if they meet the conditions. However, because the form of daily work is different from the general case, the conditions for unemployment benefits for daily workers are slightly different. Through this post, you can check the eligibility of daily workers for unemployment benefits and learn how to apply.

일용직 실업급여

일용직 실업급여

The number of days worked in the month preceding the date of application for eligibility must be less than 10 days.

1. Daily worker eligibility

①Daily workers receiving unemployment benefits

②Those excluded from unemployment benefits

2. How to apply for unemployment benefits for daily workers

1. Daily worker eligibility
In the case of daily workers who moved from one job to another through relatively short employment contracts such as short-term work or daily work, it was often not possible to meet the conditions for unemployment benefits because it was unclear whether they would subscribe to employment insurance. However, through a revision to the law in 2004, it became mandatory for all daily workers to subscribe to employment insurance, even when hiring daily workers.

In addition, because daily worker eligibility standards are set and applied separately depending on the special working environment of daily workers, daily workers need to check the conditions and eligibility for daily wage unemployment benefits.

① Daily workers receiving unemployment benefits
To be eligible to receive unemployment benefits as a daily worker, the employment insurance subscription period must be a total of 180 days or more during the 18 months immediately preceding the date of job change, and the number of days of daily labor must be less than 10 days in the one month prior to the date of application for eligibility.

The most important condition for daily worker unemployment benefits is that the number of working days in the month preceding the application date is less than 10 days. If you are a construction day worker, in addition to the condition of ‘less than 10 days in a month’, you are also eligible to receive benefits if you have ‘no continuous work history for 14 days prior to the date of application for eligibility.’

If you meet the above conditions, you are eligible to receive daily wage unemployment benefits if you meet the remaining unemployment benefit conditions.

Conditions for unemployment benefits for daily workers
A person must have been enrolled in employment insurance for a total of 180 days or more in the 18 months immediately preceding the date of job change, and must have worked less than 10 days in the month prior to the date of application for unemployment benefits.
Have the will and ability to work, but are unemployed and will make active efforts to find re-employment

If you would like to learn more about general unemployment benefit conditions (willingness to work, efforts to re-employment, etc.) by applying the conditions mentioned above, please refer to the following page.


→ Things you must check to receive unemployment benefits: Conditions and eligibility for unemployment benefits


② Excluded from unemployment benefits
However, meeting all of the above conditions does not necessarily mean that you can receive unemployment benefits. If you voluntarily quit your job to change jobs or become self-employed, or if you are fired due to serious reasons that cause significant damage to your workplace, you cannot receive unemployment benefits.

Excluded from unemployment benefits for daily workers
If you voluntarily quit your job to change jobs or become self-employed
If you are fired after receiving a sentence of imprisonment or heavier punishment for violating relevant laws
If you are fired after causing significant damage to your workplace due to embezzlement of public funds or leaking confidential information
If you are fired due to long-term unauthorized absence from work, etc.

2. How to apply for unemployment benefits for daily workers

If you meet the conditions for receiving unemployment benefits as a daily worker, you should bring your ID as soon as possible to the employment center in your jurisdiction and report unemployment. You cannot apply for unemployment benefits after 12 months, so apply as soon as you meet the conditions.


In order to apply for unemployment recognition, you must first apply for a job on WorkNet. Please refer to the following article, register your job search application on Worknet, and then apply for unemployment recognition at your local employment center.


→ Check and go to Worknet job application method


The first thing you need to do is access the Internet worknet, apply for a job, and take online training for applicants eligible for benefits through the Employment Insurance website. Next, visit the local employment center and submit an application for recognition of eligibility. You will be notified within two weeks whether you are eligible to receive daily wage unemployment benefits.

Worknet-Job Application-Procedure
Worknet job application process

Once you are recognized as eligible to receive benefits, you can visit the employment center on certain days every 1 to 4 weeks to receive unemployment recognition and receive job-seeking benefits.

How to apply for unemployment benefits for daily workers
Apply for a job through Work-net → Apply for eligibility at the Employment Insurance Center Take online training → Visit the employment center at your place of residence and apply for recognition of eligibility → Approval of eligibility within 2 weeks → Visit the employment center once every 1 to 4 weeks to be recognized as unemployed application

In conclusion

Since you move to several workplaces in a relatively short period of time, you should check the employment insurance subscription period of the companies you moved to in the 18 months immediately before changing jobs and check how many days you worked before the date of application for eligibility. If you meet the above conditions and eligibility for daily worker unemployment benefits, please refer to the method of applying for unemployment benefits immediately.