자녀장려금 신청자격The National Tax Service announced on the 2nd that it will send regular application notices for employment and child incentives from the 2nd to the 3rd to 3.1 million households with income from work, business, or religion last year.
The application period for employment and child incentives is from the 1st to the 31st, and payment is scheduled to be made at the end of August after reviewing payment requirements such as income and assets.
If you fail to apply by the deadline, you can apply by November 30, but the incentive payment amount will be reduced by 10%.
You must check whether you meet the eligibility requirements for employment and child incentives and then apply. Only one person per household can apply, and they are classified into single-income, single-income, or dual-income households depending on whether they have a spouse or dependents.
A single-income household is a household without a spouse, dependent children (born after January 2, 2004), or a direct ascendant over the age of 70 (born before December 31, 1952). A single-income household is a household with a spouse (total salary, etc. of 3 million). refers to households with dependent children (less than KRW) or direct ascendants over the age of 70 (each with an annual income of KRW 1 million or less).
A dual-income household is classified as a household in which the total salary of the applicant and spouse is more than 3 million won.
As for the income requirements for the earned income tax credit, the combined annual total income of the couple last year (including income from employment, business, and religious services and interest, dividends, pensions, and other income) was less than 40,000 to 22 million won for single-income households and 40,000 to 3,200 won for single-income households. Less than 10,000 won, or less than 6 to 38 million won for a dual-income household.
In the case of child subsidies, the standard annual total income for couples last year was 40,000 to less than 40 million won for single-income households and 6 to 40 million won for dual-income households.
The National Tax Service is providing guidance to households whose remaining assets, excluding financial assets, are less than 240 million won, and when the payment requirements are reviewed in August, if the total assets of all household members, including financial assets, are more than 240 million won, the incentive will not be paid. .
The requested amount may differ from the actual amount paid. The National Tax Service calculates the application amount by reflecting the data it holds, and depending on the applicant’s actual household, income, and property status, the application amount may differ from the actual payment amount or payment may be excluded.
You must enter your account number and phone number to receive the incentive quickly and conveniently.
If you or your spouse is obligated to file a final comprehensive income tax return, you must file a final return in order to receive an employment or child subsidy.
Once the application for employment and child incentives is completed, you can check the progress of the incentive, including confirmation of application details, screening stages, and screening results, on the ‘screening progress status inquiry’ screen of Hometax (PC/app).
In order to provide quick and accurate counseling convenience, the National Tax Service operates the ‘Incentive Dedicated Counseling Center’ with 241 counselors, an increase of 31 from the same period last year.
Among those eligible for application guidance, 140,000 households living in areas declared as special disaster areas due to Typhoon ‘Hinnamno’ in September last year and forest fires last month will be contacted by counselors at the ‘Incentive Dedicated Counseling Center’ by the end of this month to apply for incentives. .
In order to prevent damage from fraudulent calls caused by advertising text messages (spam text messages) such as loans during the application period, the National Tax Service consults with the Korea Internet & Security Agency and mobile carriers to send text messages to the National Tax Service even if the text contains phrases such as ’employment incentive’ or ‘child incentive’. If the number is not ‘(1544-9944, 1566-3636)’, reception is blocked.
Those eligible for automatic application consent for the convenience of application for the elderly include those included in the employment/child subsidy application guide, those aged 65 or older (those born before December 31, 1957) and those with severe disabilities (household members) as of December 31 of last year. (including) is approximately 520,000 people.
If you agree to automatic application only once during the incentive application period, you will automatically apply for the incentive when you are included in the application guidance within the next two years. If you receive an automatically applied incentive, the automatic application period is extended by two years.
If you agree to the automatic application this month, you will be notified by text message whether or not you have applied for the work and child support subsidy even if you do not apply in May next year.
For more detailed inquiries, please contact the ‘Incentive Dedicated Counseling Center (1566-3636)’.
Inquiries: National Tax Service Welfare Tax Management Group Incentive Tax Confectionery Division (044-204-3812), Informatization Management Division Hometax 2 Officer (044-204-2582)
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