장기 연체자 대출 What if you become a long-term delinquent student due to student loans? Apply for credit recovery in Gyeonggi-do | youth | Welfare news | Seongnam Welfare Connection

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○ Providing more equal opportunities to residents who are experiencing financial difficulties due to student loan delinquency issues
○ Regardless of income or age, the initial deposit of installment repayment agreement (within 5% of the repayment principal and interest) is supported within the limit of 1 million won.
– (Eligibility for application) Among residents who have continuously resided in Gyeonggi-do for more than one year,
A person whose credit rating information has been registered with the Korea Credit Information Service due to a student loan from the Korea Scholarship Foundation
– (Application period) April 3, 10 a.m. ~ until budget is exhausted

Gyeonggi Province will begin accepting applications for ‘credit recovery support for long-term student loan delinquents’ from April 3.

Gyeonggi-do’s credit recovery support project for long-term student loan delinquents is a project that supports credit recovery for residents who have registered credit rating information (formerly credit delinquents) due to student loans. Last year, 175 million won was provided to 457 residents.

Those eligible for support are residents who have lived in Gyeonggi-do for more than one year according to their resident registration and whose credit rating information has been registered with the Korea Credit Information Service due to a student loan from the Korea Scholarship Foundation.

Those eligible for support will be selected every month, and once selected, they must enter into an installment repayment agreement with the Korea Scholarship Foundation. The installment repayment agreement is a system that extends the repayment period up to 20 years by prepaying about 5% of the total debt including principal and interest. The agreement is usually made within 10 years. If you enter into an installment repayment agreement, you will be provided with credit recovery benefits such as deregistration of credit rating information from the Korea Credit Information Service, exemption from delinquent interest, and deferral of legal action. Additionally, the principal and interest can be repaid in installments over a long period of time, which has the advantage of relieving the burden of immediate repayment.

The province provides support for the initial deposit (within 5% of the repayment principal and interest) up to 1 million won to those who have entered into an installment repayment agreement.

Applications are made online (mobile) on the Gyeonggi Civil Service 24 website (gg24.gg.go.kr), and when you agree to the joint use of administrative information, a copy of your resident registration is automatically linked, so you can simply apply without submitting separate documents.

Kim Hyang-sook, Director of Lifelong Education, said, “The number of residents experiencing financial difficulties due to student loan delinquency is increasing,” and added, “We will work to ensure that residents can enjoy more equal opportunities through credit recovery support.”

■ Source: Gyeonggi-do

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