장애인활동지원사 자격증 [1-minute welfare information] Prepare for the ‘Disabled Person Activities Supporter Certification’ at the forefront of welfare for the disabled. | Welfare Information Center | Welfare News | Seongnam Welfare Connection

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Do you know of disabled activity support workers working at the forefront of welfare for the disabled?

It can be said that disabled activity support workers are an essential job in our society^^
Today, as interest in disabled activity support agents is increasing, we will inform you about the role of disabled activity support staff and how to obtain qualifications.

What is a ‘Activity Support Agency for the Disabled’?
Personnel who provide disabled people with difficulties in performing activities due to their disabilities so that they can carry out their daily lives smoothly through the support of activity support personnel are required to complete a training course determined by the Minister of Health and Welfare at an activity support teacher training institution.

What does a disabled activity support person do?
-Work helping support the activities of registered disabled people aged between 6 and under 65 who have been assessed as activity support level.
-Physical activity support (personal hygiene management, promotion of physical function maintenance, assistance with meals, assistance with indoor movement, etc.)
-Support for household activities (cleaning and tidying up, laundry, etc.)
-Support for social activities (support for going to and from school and commuting to work, accompanying people when going out, etc.)

‘Rapidly popular as a secondary character’ Prepare for the disability activity supporter certification like this ^^

# Training for disabled activity support personnel

1. Education target
If you are over 18 years of age, can support physical and mental activities without any educational background restrictions, and do not fall under any grounds for disqualification.
*Disqualifications: Mentally ill/addicted to psychotropic drugs, etc.

2. Education operation process
-Training time: 40 hours total
-Education fee: 150,000 won
-Education contents: Understanding social welfare and welfare systems for the disabled, understanding disabilities, understanding independent living and human-centered planning, human rights and abuse, role of activity supporter
Work ethics and self-management, activity support (physical disability, mental disability), activity assistance practice, understanding of assistive devices, health and safety management, service provision, records and management, daily life and social activity support, communication support

-Training time: 32 hours total
-Education fee: 120,000 won
-Target: People with similar experience
-Education contents: Role of activity support person, work ethics and self-management, activity support (physical disability, mental disability), activity assistance practice, understanding of assistive devices, health and safety management, service provision, records and management, daily life and social activity support, Communication support
※ Those with similar qualifications (social worker, care worker, nurse, nursing assistant), those with more than 360 hours of experience participating in government (local government) care projects in the past year

3. Training schedule
The closest educational institution in Seongnam area is
These are the Korea Welfare Culture Education Institute and the Gyeonggi-do Comprehensive Welfare Support Center for the Disabled.

[Korea Welfare Culture Education Institute training schedule]
standard education
Professional training (training for those with similar experience)
Episode 15
A total of 5 days from June 27th (Monday) to July 1st (Friday)

Episode 16
Total 5 days from July 11th (Mon) to July 15th (Fri)
Total 4 days from July 18th (Monday) to July 21st (Thursday)
Episode 17
Saturday class 7/23, 7/30, 8/6, 8/13, 8/20 for a total of 5 days
Saturday class 7/23, 7/30, 8/6, 8/13, total 4 days
Episode 18
July 25th (Monday) ~ July 29th (Friday), a total of 5 days

Episode 19
August 22nd (Monday) ~ August 26th (Friday) for a total of 5 days
A total of 4 days from August 16th (Tuesday) to August 19th (Friday)
20 times
Saturday class 8/27, 9/3, 9/17, 9/24, 10/1 for a total of 5 days
Saturday classes 8/27, 9/3, 9/17, 9, 24, total 4 days
09:00~18:00 (8 hours of training per day)
*Please contact the training center for future training schedules! (031-751-4977)

[Gyeonggi Province Comprehensive Welfare Support Center for the Disabled Nurim Training Schedule]
*Detailed schedule may change depending on center circumstances, (031-299-5000)
Monthly application scheduled (application scheduled 3 weeks prior to training)
For more detailed schedule, please check the website (Gyeonggi-do Comprehensive Support Center for the Disabled)^^

In addition to signing up for the four major insurance policies, you are also subject to the severance pay system.

When a user is introduced to a disabled activity support organization (the organization where one will work),
After training (10 hours) and receiving a certificate of completion (40+10=50 hours), you will work as an ‘Activity Assistant Teacher’.

[Seongnam City Activity Support Agency for the Disabled]
happy companion
Good people walk
Happy Yu Independent Living Center
Seongnam City Disabled Errand Center
Bundang Independent Living Center for the Disabled
Seongnam Mannam Area Self-Reliance Center
Jungwon Independent Living Center for the Disabled
*Tip: It is a good idea to inquire about activity support organizations close to your residence.

This is a document that must be submitted to the disability activity support organization where you wish to work.

For those who want to work as an activity supporter for the disabled, ‘disability sensitivity’ is essential.
It is a profession that practices welfare, creating happier relationships when understanding and consideration come together.

# Korea Welfare Culture Education Institute Education Inquiry 031-751-4977
6th floor, Yunhyeon Building, 106 Sanseong-daero, Jungwon-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do (Seongnam-dong)

# Gyeonggi-do Comprehensive Welfare Support Center for the Disabled ​ Education Inquiries: 031-299-5000
130 Seosuwon-ro, Gwonseon-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do (677 Omokcheon-dong)

We hope that this will be an opportunity for those of us living in a welfare state who practice a considerate life to feel proud of our profession as a ‘activity supporter for the disabled.’
*I would like to express my gratitude to the trainee (former teacher OO) who helped me cover the curriculum^^

○Report / This is Violet Lee Seung-mi, Welfare Information Correspondent^^

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