재가요양보호사 월급 Nursing care worker’s actual salary (home-based benefit vs. facility benefit)

재가요양보호사 월급Nursing care worker salary

Nursing care worker salary standards can be divided into three categories.

In the case of a caregiver’s salary, the salary may vary depending on the difference between in-home benefits and facility benefits.
If compared by the difference in hourly wages, facility benefits may be measured slightly higher than home benefits. Let’s look at the differences between home benefits and facility benefits.
Additionally, in addition to home-based benefits and facility benefits, they can be classified into three categories: local government operation, corporate operation, and individual operation. On average, salaries are measured higher in the order of local government operation, corporate operation, and individual operation.

Usually, in the case of home benefits that are provided directly to the beneficiary’s home, the average hourly amount is not accurately measured from the caregiver’s perspective, so it is recommended to calculate additional items based on the minimum hourly wage before signing the contract.

This is a form of performing care work by directly visiting families in need of help. You can also work after registering at a home care center.

When applying the minimum wage, the hourly wage can be considered to be around 12,000 won, and additional hourly wages may be increased considering commuting distance, work intensity, special types, etc. (From the perspective of a care worker, additional salary may be requested depending on the work situation, and amicable consultation with the employer is necessary.)

This is the case where you acquire a nursing assistant certification to take care of your family.

Family care benefits cannot be received indefinitely, and the number of hours a family care caregiver can work is limited.

The table above shows the amount of additional allowance paid by the home center. Even if it is 30,170 won per 90 minutes, deductibles, home center management and maintenance costs, and various taxes can be deducted.

In-home centers are often operated without special support from the government. Therefore, it is difficult for home care centers to operate without paying various maintenance fees to caregivers.

In the past situation, nursing care providers expressed their position to request that the government, that is, the Corporation, pay the full amount of medical expenses directly without going through a home center, but the government did not come up with any special measures or answers.

In other words, from the perspective of a caregiver, we recommend that you look into a home care center that is reasonable for you and make your choice by considering various circumstances, such as whether the salary is reasonable or whether the center is trustworthy.

Facility-based care workers are care workers who work in facilities such as senior welfare facilities, day care centers, and nursing homes, and can receive a salary of about 2 to 2.3 million won.

In the case of day care centers, the monthly salary will be measured based on the current minimum wage, and in the case of nursing homes, it is said that you can receive about 200,000 won more than this. The actual salary received may be more than this amount, excluding extra work hours and other allowances.

Please note that the prices provided above are the average minimum prices and may vary depending on the region, size of facility, etc.

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