전기차 보조금 신청방법 How to apply for electric vehicle subsidies

There have been some changes to the calculation method for 2024 electric vehicle subsidy applications. Previously, subsidies were paid differentially depending on vehicle price and mileage, but from 2024, subsidies will be based on vehicle price and mileage. The subsidy is calculated by comprehensively considering vehicle size, battery capacity, etc. Now, let’s learn more about applying for the 2024 electric vehicle subsidy.

전기차 보조금

전기차 보조금


Click here to apply for an electric vehicle subsidy



Know the secret to applying for the 2024 electric vehicle subsidy (government support)
How to apply for 2024 electric vehicle subsidy, 2024 electric vehicle subsidy application target, 2024 electric vehicle subsidy application period


Total electric vehicle subsidies will decrease in 2024
How are 2024 electric vehicle subsidies calculated?
How to apply for the 2024 electric vehicle subsidy
Eligible for 2024 electric vehicle subsidy application
2024 electric vehicle subsidy application period



Know the secret to applying for the 2024 electric vehicle subsidy (government support)
How to apply for 2024 electric vehicle subsidy, 2024 electric vehicle subsidy application target, 2024 electric vehicle subsidy application period


Total electric vehicle subsidies will decrease in 2024


Click here to apply for an electric vehicle subsidy



●The total amount of electric vehicle subsidy applications for 2024 has been confirmed to be KRW 1.734 trillion, a decrease of nearly 10% compared to 2023. This is interpreted as a measure to reduce the government’s financial burden and make the distribution of electric vehicles more efficient.


Specifically, the 2024 electric passenger vehicle subsidy application was reduced from 5 million won to 4 million won, the electric truck subsidy application was reduced from 14 million won to 11 million won, and the electric two-wheeled vehicle subsidy application was reduced from 3 million won to 2.5 million won.


Know the secret to applying for the 2024 electric vehicle subsidy (government support)
How to apply for 2024 electric vehicle subsidy, 2024 electric vehicle subsidy application target, 2024 electric vehicle subsidy application period



How are 2024 electric vehicle subsidies calculated?


Click here to apply for an electric vehicle subsidy



●The 2024 electric vehicle subsidy application calculation method is as follows.


Performance subsidy: Up to 5 million won. This is paid differently depending on the performance of the electric vehicle, especially the driving range on a single charge.


Supply target implementation subsidy: Up to 1.4 million won. This is a subsidy that helps manufacturers achieve their goal of distributing low-emission vehicles.


Charging infrastructure subsidy: 200,000 won. This is a subsidy that helps manufacturers expand their electric vehicle charging infrastructure.


Innovative technology subsidy: 200,000 won. This is a subsidy that supports vehicles that increase the utilization of electric vehicles and apply innovative technologies with high added value.


Therefore, it can be said that the maximum national subsidy in 2024 will be around 5.8 million won.


In addition, you can only receive a 100% subsidy if the price of an electric vehicle is less than 57 million won, and if it is more than that, the subsidy is reduced or eliminated.


The 2024 electric vehicle subsidy application will be calculated taking into account the performance of the electric vehicle, fulfillment of the manufacturer’s distribution goals, expansion of charging infrastructure, and application of innovative technology.


Know the secret to applying for the 2024 electric vehicle subsidy (government support)
How to apply for 2024 electric vehicle subsidy, 2024 electric vehicle subsidy application target, 2024 electric vehicle subsidy application period



How to apply for the 2024 electric vehicle subsidy


Click here to apply for an electric vehicle subsidy



●How to apply for the 2024 electric vehicle subsidy is as follows.


Signing a vehicle purchase contract: After signing a contract to purchase an electric vehicle, a purchase contract is issued by the vehicle manufacturer or dealer.


Apply for a local government subsidy: Submit your purchase agreement to the local government to apply for a subsidy. Since the subsidy application period varies depending on the local government, please be sure to check the subsidy application notice in the region where you live to confirm the application period.


Subsidy review and payment: After the local government receives the subsidy application, it comprehensively reviews vehicle price, environmental scores, etc. to decide whether to provide the subsidy. If you are selected as a subsidy recipient, the local government will pay the subsidy.


The specific 2024 electric vehicle subsidy application method may differ slightly depending on the local government, so please refer to the subsidy application notice for the region where you live.



※ The documents required to be submitted when applying for the 2024 electric vehicle subsidy are as follows.




purchase agreement


car registration certificate


Copy or transcript of resident registration


Income amount certificate (for wage and salary income earners, business income earners)


Other (additional documents may be required depending on the grant recipient)



※ Things to keep in mind when applying for the 2024 electric vehicle subsidy are as follows.


Subsidies are paid only at the time the vehicle is shipped.


Vehicles eligible for subsidies may differ depending on the local government, so please check the subsidy application notice in the region where you live to confirm.


Even for vehicles eligible for subsidies, if the vehicle price exceeds the subsidy payment cap, you may not be able to receive the full subsidy.


By applying for the 2024 electric vehicle subsidy, you can reduce the cost of purchasing an electric vehicle, so if you are considering purchasing an electric vehicle, be sure to apply.



Know the secret to applying for the 2024 electric vehicle subsidy (government support)
How to apply for 2024 electric vehicle subsidy, 2024 electric vehicle subsidy application target, 2024 electric vehicle subsidy application period



Eligible for 2024 electric vehicle subsidy application

●Those eligible to apply for the 2024 electric vehicle subsidy are as follows.


Individual: This applies to individuals excluding central administrative agencies.


Corporations: Corporations are also eligible to apply.


Public institutions: Public institutions are also eligible to apply.


Local governments: Local governments are also eligible to apply.


Local public enterprises: Local public enterprises are also eligible to apply.


For the 2024 electric vehicle subsidy application, local governments that provide additional local subsidies in addition to national subsidies may impose eligibility conditions such as residence within the jurisdictional government.


Applications for the 2024 electric vehicle subsidy cannot be subsidized if the price of the electric vehicle exceeds KRW 85 million. Subsidy is available at 50% up to KRW 57 million, and 100% subsidy is available for applications under KRW 57 million.


The 2024 electric vehicle subsidy application will be calculated taking into account the performance of the electric vehicle, fulfillment of the manufacturer’s distribution goals, expansion of charging infrastructure, and application of innovative technologies.


Know the secret to applying for the 2024 electric vehicle subsidy (government support)

How to apply for 2024 electric vehicle subsidy, 2024 electric vehicle subsidy application target, 2024 electric vehicle subsidy application period



2024 electric vehicle subsidy application period

●The 2024 electric vehicle subsidy application period is as follows.


The 2024 electric vehicle subsidy application period varies by local government, but in general, applications can be made until the subsidy budget is exhausted. You can apply for the 2024 electric vehicle subsidy until December 31, 2024.


However, in some local governments, the start time for subsidy applications may be brought forward or terminated early if the subsidy budget is exhausted early. Therefore, if you wish to apply for an electric vehicle subsidy, it is recommended to check the local government’s subsidy application schedule in advance.


To check the 2024 electric vehicle subsidy application schedule, visit the integrated zero-emission vehicle website (ev.or.kr).


Know the secret to applying for the 2024 electric vehicle subsidy (government support)
How to apply for 2024 electric vehicle subsidy, 2024 electric vehicle subsidy application target, 2024 electric vehicle subsidy application period



Final greeting

●So far, we have looked into applying for the 2024 electric vehicle subsidy. Electric vehicles are eco-friendly and economical vehicles, and have recently received a lot of attention. If you are considering purchasing an electric vehicle, you can reduce your financial burden by applying for a subsidy. thank you