전세보증보험 가입조건 Learn about the conditions and how to sign up for Jeonse Guarantee Insurance – MONEYMO

전세보증보험 가입조건Jeonse guarantee insurance is a guarantee for the return of jeonse deposits handled by Housing and Urban Guarantee Corporation. In the case of a new global contract, the guarantee application can be applied for between the later of the balance payment date and the move-in report date and before half of the global contract period has elapsed. In the case of a renewal contract, you can apply from 1 month before the expiration date of the contract period before renewal to 1/2 of the contract period of the contract period of the renewal contract.
Housing that can be guaranteed is detached multi-family, row house/multi-household, residential officetel, apartment, etc. In the case of officetel, a licensed real estate agent must indicate residential use in the main use of the global contract, and registration with Guven is required. Please note that private residences, official residences, home daycare centers, community living homes, local children’s centers, senior welfare facilities, and neighborhood living facilities are not covered by the guarantee.
The surety creditor is the lessor who has entered into a contract with the lessor, and the main debtor is the lessor who is the owner of the public property of the object of lease.

First of all, you must complete the delivery and move-in report of the house, have the fixed date on the global contract, and meet the following conditions.
The deposit amount is the amount requested by the guarantee applicant within the limit of the Jeonse deposit mentioned above, and the guarantee period is from the date of issue of the guarantee to one month after the expiration date of the contract period.
First of all, the guarantee fee rate is 0.128% per year for apartments and 0.154% per year for other houses, and the guarantee fee calculation formula is as follows.
For example, if you sign a global contract for 2 years for an apartment with a deposit of 100 million won, you must pay a guarantee fee of 100 million × 0.00128 × 730 / 365 = 256,000 won.
If any of the following cases apply, you can receive a discount on the guarantee fee.
However, if the guarantee applicant is an individual and the amount of the senior bond relative to the house price exceeds 50%, a 10% premium is applied to the calculated guarantee fee.
In fact, in the case of a charter, as little as tens of thousands of won to as many as hundreds of millions of won, it may seem like a waste to pay the guarantee fee immediately with the charter guarantee insurance, but I think it is the surest way to protect the deposit.
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전세보증보험 가입조건

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