전세사기 안당하는법 How to avoid real estate fraud

전세사기 안당하는법How to avoid real estate fraud

by Playinger
2020. 11. 4. 15:13

Not long ago, there was a lot of buzz with an article saying that real estate transactions were being made possible without a broker.
Among netizens, some consumers welcomed it, but there was some disagreement about whether it would be inconvenient for sellers.
In the end, the situation calmed down when the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport announced that he was not considering direct transactions without intermediaries.

[2020 National Audit] Kim Hyun-mi ″No broker-dealer transaction, no review″
[Financial News] Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Kim Hyun-mi stated on the 16th, “We are not considering real estate transactions without brokers.” At the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport government audit held at the Sejong Government Complex on this day, Minister Kim said,
While dealing directly with real estate has the advantage of reducing brokerage fees,
If there is no broker to take responsibility in the middle, the seller and buyer must take responsibility for the risks that arise during the transaction.
It is natural that there is a lot of risk involved.

Because the Internet is developed in Korea, the conditions for direct transactions are well established at places such as Zigbang, coffee shops, and Naver cafes. However, if you do not look carefully while dealing directly with real estate, you may incur damage.
When dealing with real estate and having to deal directly with the seller, we would like to teach you how to do so safely without being scammed.

Verify that the other party is the actual owner of the property. Access the Internet registry office, obtain a copy of the register, and check whether the person is the actual owner by comparing it with the other person’s resident registration card and driver’s license.
For information on how to view a copy of the register, please refer to the post below.

2020/10/20 – [Real Estate Study/Real Estate Knowledge] – How to read a copy of the register
How to view a copy of the register
Today, I’m going to talk about how to view a copy of the real estate register. It happens every day across the country that people lose their life savings due to real estate lease fraud. The causes of jeonse fraud are all

As shown in the previous posting linked above, a copy of the register records various rights, including ownership.
You can check various rights relationships, such as the area of ​​the real estate, who owns it, the date when the mortgage was established, the maximum bond amount, and provisional seizure disposition matters. There are cases where a fake owner pretends to be the real owner and steals money, so you need to check it carefully.

Write down the area, address, and location of the property in question carefully. For example, you need to check several times to avoid mistakes such as incorrectly writing down number 101 as number 102. If you find it difficult to write a contract, you can go to a nearby real estate agent office or attorney’s office and pay a ghostwriting fee to write the contract.
Be sure to write down the contents of the special contract carefully, and when paying the price, make sure to transfer it to an account that leaves evidence if possible.

When signing a lease contract, you must submit a move-in report and a confirmed date. The requirements for obtaining opposition under the Housing Lease Protection Act are possession, move-in report, and confirmed date. It is best to receive a confirmed date as soon as possible after reporting your move-in.
That way, if the house is auctioned due to the landlord’s default, you can exercise your right to fight back.

If you sell real estate through a direct transaction, you are obligated to report the actual transaction price within 60 days of the transaction. When transacting through a brokerage office, a licensed real estate agent reports, but when transacting directly, the selling party must report directly.
You can do this by visiting a government office in person or online. Please note that a fine will be imposed if you do not report it.

Even though real estate commissions may seem expensive, I personally recommend transacting through real estate because if an accident occurs, you may incur damages dozens of times the brokerage fee. If it is not a relatively small property such as a one-room or two-room property, we recommend transacting through a real estate agent, but it can also be a good experience to conduct a direct transaction by carefully referring to the matters described above.

Above, we learned how to avoid being scammed by real estate. I hope that you will read this carefully and it will be of some help in protecting your property.^^

2020.11.04 15:13
2020.11.03 15:01
2020.10.20 09:13
2020.10.19 19:24
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Real estate study/real estate knowledge
Real estate study/real estate knowledge
Real estate study/real estate auction
Real estate study/real estate auction

전세사기 안당하는법
