전입세대 열람내역서 발급 Issuance of transfer household reading statement

What is the transfer household reading statement?

First, it is necessary when seeking a charter 전입세대 열람내역서 발급

전입세대 열람내역서 발급

This is the moving-in household reading statement that you must check when seeking a charter. If the private house you want to enter goes over to the auction, how can I protect my deposit? It would be a dizzying situation just thinking about it. So, when you are looking for a charter, you need to check if there is someone who has reported moving in before you do, sort out things that may cause problems, and then enter into a contract. In addition, you must register your seniority and priority right of repayment so that you can receive the deposit first if you do not receive the deposit and file a lawsuit for the return of the deposit.


You need to be careful when it comes to multi-family housing or multi-family housing in the form of a detached house rather than an apartment. 좋은뉴스 

Apartments and villas are not complicated because they are in the form of one-family-one-house, but when multiple households (usually studios or multi-family houses) live on each floor, the lessee who received the move-in report and confirmed date early receives the deposit refund first. no see.

There’s a saying these days, can’t charter?
It refers to a case where the house owner continues to overdue interest on the bank loan, and the house is auctioned off, leaving the person who has entered the jeonse to lose all of the jeonse deposit.
If you are a chartered tenant, remember this.
Let’s avoid the can charter safely by signing up for a fixed date, move-in report, charter right setting, charter guarantee return guarantee!
Second, it is necessary when you are looking for an auction item.


When you are about to proceed with an auction, you need to look at the move-in units to identify the senior tenants. Until now, it has not been confirmed whether foreigners or Koreans with foreign nationality resided when viewing the move-in unit, so the lessee had no choice but to suffer damage to property rights. The Ministry of Justice announced on December 14, 2020 through Civil Complaint 24 that it would improve this system.

The Ministry of Justice has decided to revise the 「Enforcement Rules of the Immigration Control Act」 and the 「Enforcement Rules of the Overseas Koreans Act」 so that foreigners who have reported a change of place of sojourn and Koreans with foreign nationality who have reported a domestic residence can be checked on the records of moving households by the second half of next year. In the future, it is expected that the damage to property rights suffered by tenants will disappear as it will not be confirmed whether foreigners and foreign nationals reside when viewing the move-in unit.

How to issue a statement of reading the moved-in household

You can obtain a statement of inspection of moving-in households by visiting the district office where the housing is located. If you go to the dong office, you can fill out the resident registration transfer household inspection application form and issue it. The issuance fee is 300 won! However, this document cannot be requested by anyone.

First of all, you can apply for resident registration to view the move-in household only if you are the lessee, member of the household, sale, lease contract, owner himself, setting up a mortgage for the financial period, order of the court to investigate the current status, or auction participant.

Not only the landlord, but also the lessee, members of the lessor/lessee’s household, and those who have been delegated may conduct inspection. Even if you are an auction participant, you can apply if you bring documents to prove it and your ID.


Resident Registration Application for Inspection of Moved-in Household

Resident registration move-in household inspection application form
Attached documents for application for resident registration

attached document

1.Identification certificate such as resident registration card of the delegated person (in the case of a corporation, identification of the representative, corporate seal certificate, or registered seal) (if requested by the public official in charge to verify the authenticity of the power of attorney)
2. Evidence of application qualifications (if confirmation is not possible through shared use of administrative information)
Notes on application for resident registration and inspection of moving-in household


1. Applicants for resident registration transfer households must present identification such as a resident registration card, and in the case of corporate visitors, the visitor’s identification and employee ID (or proof of employment) must be presented.


2. We can print out the contents of the inspection, but we cannot provide proof or seal.


3. Auction participants must submit a (newspaper) announcement indicating the date and time of the auction and the location of the relevant object, a credit investigation request for a credit investigation company, an appraisal request for an appraisal agency, etc. You must attach a mortgage setting agreement indicating the location of the object, a loan agreement, etc.). In this case, proof materials include copies.


4. If the owner of the property applies for consent to joint use of administrative information by the public official in charge or the lessee applies for consent to use the jeonse and monthly rent transaction information system, the submission of proof materials may be omitted.

5. The right to view resident registration and move-in households can be delegated to others only by the owner, lessee, lessee, or contract of sale.


6. In case of applying for inspection of resident registration move-in household according to the power of attorney, the name, resident registration number, and address of the person entrusted must be accurately entered.

7. The authorized person must sign or stamp in the ‘Signature or seal’ box, and fingerprints cannot be used. When signing, a handwritten name (in Korean) must be used, and normal signatures (foreign language, special characters, etc.) or Chinese characters cannot be used.


8. In order to confirm the authenticity of the power of attorney, if the public official in charge requests an identity document such as a resident registration card (in the case of a corporation, the representative’s identification card, corporate seal certificate, or registered seal), you must present it.

9. In the case of creating a false power of attorney by forging or fraudulently using another person’s signature or seal, etc., you will be punished in accordance with the Criminal Act.


10. In the case of a corporation, the representative must sign or stamp the corporate seal (including the seal of use) in the ‘Name of Representative’ box, and visitors must present identification documents such as employee ID (or certificate of employment) and resident registration card.


11. In the case where one applicant applies for the inspection of move-in households for the same purpose with one proof data, Form No. 15 and Form No. 16 can be used together. In this case, Attachment No. 15 Between the form and Form No. 16, the applicant’s confirmation (personal seal) must be present.

12. In case of application by auction participants, credit information service providers, appraisers, and financial companies that fall under Appendix 2, Subparagraph 3 of the Enforcement Decree, the name of the browsing history is limitedly displayed, and the full name is displayed only with the consent of the person to be viewed. display.


13. If there are multiple people subject to inspection of the moving-in household, the name and date of birth of the consenting person must be written vertically on the consent form and signed or sealed.


14. In order to use the jeonse and monthly rent transaction information system when applying for inspection of move-in units, the lessee who has been granted a fixed date after January 1, 2014 must apply at the eup/myeon office or dong community service center in the location of the house.