주거급여 신청자격 및 신청방법 (feat.총정리) Housing benefit application qualifications and application method (feat. Summary)

It is true that it is not easy for ordinary people who have difficulties in making a living to save money due to housing costs. The government has been subsidizing housing allowance, one of the basic livelihood guarantees.


Today, we will look at the application qualifications, support amount, application method, and application documents for housing benefit, one of the government’s welfare benefits.


Housing benefit – beneficiary
Recipient of housing benefit


주거급여 신청자격


주거급여 신청자격



What is housing benefit?
Qualifications for Housing Allowance
Housing benefit support amount
How to apply for housing benefit
Housing benefit application documents

What is housing benefit?

Housing allowance is a benefit provided by the government to cover housing costs for ordinary people who have difficulties in making a living.


The housing allowance is a government welfare recipient benefit regardless of whether or not one owns a house, as it supports the cost of repairing an old house for own households and supports the cost of renting a house for rental households.


Housing Benefit Act-Article 2
Article 2 of the Housing Benefit Act
A housing benefit recipient is a person who is eligible to receive housing benefit, and a recipient is a person who receives housing benefit.


Recipients refer to money or goods paid or lent to recipients, and guarantee institutions refer to the state or local governments.



Qualifications for Housing Allowance

In order to be eligible for housing benefit, regardless of whether you own a house, you can apply if your recognized income is less than 47% of the standard median income.


Standard-median income and-housing benefit-recipient-median income
Standard median income and housing benefit median income
For households with 8 or more people, the difference between the 7-person household standard and 6-person household standard is added to the 7-person household standard for each additional person.


Income evaluation amount + income conversion amount of property = recognized income amount

You can calculate the approximate amount of recognized income by welfare service simulated calculation on the Welfare Road website. If your income is recognized, you can find out if you are eligible for housing benefit through My Home Portal.


Housing benefit support amount

Let’s find out how the housing benefit subsidy is.


Amount of subsidy for housing benefit for renting households


The standard rent for renting households is set as the upper limit and the actual rent is supported. The lower amount between the standard rent and the actual rent is subsidized.


Class 1 (Seoul) – 1 person: 330,000, 2 people: 370,000, 3 people: 441,000, 4 people: 510,000, 5 people: 528,000, 6 people: 626,000
Level 2 (Gyeonggi, Incheon) – 1 person: 255,000, 2: 285,000, 3: 341,000, 4: 394,000, 5: 407,000, 6: 482,000
Class 3 areas (Gwangju, Sejong City, Special City) – 1 person: 203,000, 2 people: 226,000, 3 people: 270,000, 4 people: 313,000, 5 people: 323,000, 6 people: 382,000
Level 4 (other regions) – 1 person: 164,000, 2 people: 185,000, 3 people: 220,000, 4 people: 256,000, 5 people: 264,000, 6 people: 313,000

If the number of household members is 7, it is the same as the standard rent for 6 people, and if the number of household members is 8 to 9, 10% of the standard rent for 6 people is added. )do.


When calculating the housing benefit, the recognized income and the standard for livelihood benefit are compared. If the recognized income is less than the livelihood allowance, the full housing allowance is paid.


This is a measure to prevent those who receive livelihood benefits from spending their share of housing benefits. If you are a recipient of housing benefit and your recognized income exceeds the standard of livelihood benefit, you will be paid after deducting your share from the standard rent.


Rental benefit calculation method


1. (Recognized income ≤ Living allowance selection criteria): Full support for standard rent (actual rent)

2. (Recognized income > Living allowance selection criteria): Standard rent (actual rent) – self-pay

※ Self-Pay = (Recognized Income – Living Allowance Selection Criteria) × 30%

※ If there is a deposit, 4% per annum is applied to convert it into monthly rent, and the actual rent is
It is calculated by summing up the monthly deposit and monthly rent.


Number of household members 1 person 2 person 3 person 4 person
housing benefit
(Median 47%) 976,609 1,624,393 2,084,364 2,538,453
(median 30%) 623,368 1,036,846 1,330,445 1,620,289
Even if the recognized income of a recipient of housing benefit is less than 47% of the median income, if it exceeds 30% of the median income of the living allowance selection standard, the self-pay portion must be deducted.

The self-pay is 30% of the amount after deducting the living allowance selection criteria from the recognized income.

A rental deposit is not a monthly payment like monthly rent, but it is a housing cost in which a lump sum of money is tied up for a long time. The way to convert these deposits into monthly rent is to multiply by 4% (0.04) and divide by 12 months.

Assuming that the rental deposit is 3 million won and the monthly rent is 300,000 won, the money paid to the lessor is 310,000 won.

(Rental deposit 3,000,000 won x 0.04 / 12 months) + monthly rent 300,000 won = 10,000 won + 300,000 won = 310,000 won.

Case of single-person household living in Seoul

Recognized income for one-person household: 500,000 won
30 million won deposit
Signed a lease contract for 200,000 won per month

Let’s look at the amount of housing allowance. (as of 2023)

Actual rent is 100,000 won per month of deposit (deposit 30 million won x 0.04 / 12 months) + 200,000 won monthly rent = 300,000 won

The recognized income of a housing benefit recipient of 500,000 won is less than the livelihood benefit selection standard of about 620,000 won, which is a condition for receiving the full standard rent.

However, since the actual rent of 300,000 won is less than the standard rent of 330,000 won, the actual amount paid is 300,000 won.



Amount of subsidy for housing benefit for own households


Homeownership housing benefit (repair maintenance benefit) is supported by those who own a house and live in that house. Abnormal dwellings such as containers and vinyl houses are excluded.


Classification No. of warnings Intermediate maintenance Major maintenance
Support amount (repair cycle) KRW 4.57 million (3 years) KRW 8.49 million (5 years) KRW 12.41 million (7 years)
Repair contents Papering, flooring, etc. Windows, insulation, heating work, etc. Roof, bathroom and kitchen improvement, etc.
Recognized Income 100% support if the recognized income is below the livelihood benefit selection criteria
90% support if the recognized income exceeds the livelihood benefit selection criteria and is below 35% of the median income
80% support if the recognized income is between 35% and 45% of the median income
In the case of island areas where access by land is impossible (excluding the main island of Jeju Island), 10% of the above repair cost is added.

The amount of repair maintenance benefit is divided into 3 stages (light repair, heavy repair, major repair) according to the level of deterioration of the house (structural safety, facilities, finish), and actual repair costs are supported.

Housing benefit repair costs are supported differently at 80-100% depending on the recognized income of the housing benefit recipient.

100% of the repair cost is subsidized if the recognized income is below the standard of living allowance (30% of the median income).
90% of repair costs are subsidized for those whose recognized income exceeds the standard for livelihood benefit and is below 35% of the median income.
80% of the repair cost is subsidized for those whose recognized income exceeds 35% of the median income and is below the housing benefit standard (47% of the median income).

Housing benefit case for own households


Mr. A, who lives alone and owns his own house
Subject to compensation and recognized income of 900,000 won
Since Mr. A’s median income exceeds 35% and is below 46%, 80% of the repair cost is subsidized.


You can receive a repair and maintenance subsidy of KRW 9,928,000, which is 80% of the major compensation of KRW 12,410,000.


The housing benefit payment date is paid regularly on the 20th of each month, and when housing benefit (rental benefit) is started for the first time, the housing benefit for the month in which it begins is paid in full.



How to apply for housing benefit

To apply for housing benefit, you can apply at the community service center in the area of your resident registration address.

In the past, people who were legally obligated to support could not receive benefits even if they had difficulties making a living, but now they have changed and can apply.

Housing benefit – agent – available for application
Housing benefit agent application available

When applying for housing benefit, a relative or other related person of the household can apply on behalf of the household, but a power of attorney, a copy of the beneficiary’s ID, and the agent’s ID are also required.




Housing benefit application documents

Housing benefit application documents

Social security benefit provision (change) application form
Income and Property Declaration
Agreement to provide financial information, etc.
Lease (sub-lease) contract and confirmation of lease for use
Copy of bankbook and ID
Other employment wage confirmation, disabled registration certificate, copy of expulsion, etc.
Additional documents may be requested.
Necessary forms are available at the community center, and related inquiries can be made to the community center or the housing benefit call center (1600-0777).


Even if you are hesitant because you are receiving livelihood benefit, you can apply for housing benefit, so please check and apply.


2023.04.24 – [View All Classifications] – Recipients of medical benefits, subject to apply, benefits, application method