주거복지사 시험 Compilation of residential welfare worker test subject education qualification information

주거복지사 시험Recently, there is a lot of news related to real estate. As the government comes out with various measures, such as stabilizing housing for the working class and measures for public rental housing that even the middle class can move in, there are promising qualifications that are emerging. It’s a license called residential welfare, but let’s find out what it is.

Residential welfare workers are professionals who help support housing services in terms of welfare for the housing stability of households who have difficulty solving housing problems on their own. If you have specialized knowledge in the housing field and have practical experience that can be applied in the field, you can acquire a residential welfare worker license.

The residential welfare worker license is a private qualification recognized by the government. It is a private qualification hosted by the Korean Housing Society, and is a nationally recognized qualification. Students must meet academic background and career requirements, and must complete pre-requisite courses (5 required courses and 5 elective courses).

The test is conducted only once a year, in December every year, so you should prepare for the test as early as possible in advance.

In order to take the residential welfare worker exam, you must complete the pre-requisite courses. Pre-requisite courses can be taken as online lectures at housing welfare educational institutions certified by the Korean Housing Society. You can take online courses at the Housing Welfare Center for Distance Learning and the Housing Welfare Academy.

There are 5 compulsory subjects. There are five subjects: Introduction to Housing Welfare, Housing and Community, Housing Welfare Counseling and Case Studies, Residential Environment Survey Theory, and Housing Welfare Field Practice. You must complete these 5 subjects.

Elective courses include special classes and housing, apartment house planning and design, housing policy and housing finance, housing management administration, housing maintenance management technology, social welfare administration and legislation, social welfare introduction and practice, and care for the underprivileged. You can choose any 5 of these subjects and complete them.

It is easier to study if you choose a subject that you think is easier or a subject that you are interested in. You must complete 5 compulsory subjects and 5 elective subjects in order to take the exam.

The test is divided into period 1 and period 2. In the 1st class, we look at the general theory of housing welfare. The number of questions is 50, and the test time is 60 minutes. In the second period, students take a housing welfare practice and application test. The same number of questions is 50, and the test time is 60 minutes.

A passing grade is 40 points per subject and an average of 60 points or higher. Raising the average score in the subjects you are confident in will help you pass.

When studying for a residential welfare worker certification, you can go to an academy, study at the Residential Welfare Distance Education Center site, or take advantage of the Housing Welfare Academy online lecture.

The best way to reduce study time and pass the exam is to take advantage of the In-Gang.

In general, when hired by local governments, the salary standards for civil servants are followed. When you are hired by a company, the annual salary is set in various ways depending on your experience and job duties. Usually, the annual salary for new recruits is about 30 million won to 35 million won.

The future prospects for residential care providers are expected to be very bright. The job market continues to grow and the demand for residential welfare certifications will continue to increase, so if you are thinking about a career path, please note that this is a certification worth considering.

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residential welfare worker license

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