주휴수당 vacation pay is included in their monthly salary

The minimum hourly wage for 2022 this year is 9,160 won. Weekly vacation is not included in the KRW 9,160. I will post how to calculate the weekly vacation pay for part-time workers who are contracted for a short period, that is, for short-term workers, not regular workers. 주휴수당

If you decide to work 8 hours a day, 3 days a week, 8 × 3 × 9,160 = 219,840 The calculation is simple.

What is vacation pay?

A paid week off is given to an employee who has fulfilled the prescribed number of working days in a week. In other words, there is no need to provide work on a weekly holiday, and one day’s wages can be additionally paid. For salaried workers, weekly vacation pay is included in their monthly salary, but for part-time workers, whether or not to pay weekly vacation pay is determined by whether they work “15 hours or more per week”.

As a condition for the payment of weekly holiday allowance, workers who have worked 15 hours or more per week must not miss the number of working days specified in the labor contract, and workplaces with fewer than 5 employees are also eligible.

In general, companies work 40 hours a week, and if Saturday is an unpaid day off, Sunday “8 hours a week” is added to make 48 hours of work per week. Working hours per week 40 hours / Normal working hours 40 hours × Working hours per day 8 hours = 8 hours per week

8 hours a day, 3 days a week, when the hourly wage is 9,160

1. Calculate Weekly Time

Working hours per week 24 hours / Normal working hours 40 hours × Working hours per day 8 hours = 4.8 hours per week

2. Calculation of vacation pay

Weekly 4.8 hours × hourly wage 9,160 = 43,968

3. Calculation of weekly wages

(24 hours × 9,160) + 43,968 = 263,808

4. Calculate weekly salary excel formula

Working hours per week: 8 * 3 = 24
Weekly holiday time: =IF(D6>14,(D6/40*8),0) : Using the IF function, if the weekly working hours are more than 14 hours, the weekly holiday time is automatically calculated
Weekly holiday allowance: =F6*9160: Weekly holiday time * 9,160
Actual pay amount: =ROUND((D6*9160)+G6,-1) : Automatically calculated by using the ROUND function (weekly working hours * 9,160) + rounding off weekly holiday allowance

When you work 24 hours a week and pay monthly

5. Salary Calculation

(24 hours / 40 hours × 8 hours) + 24 hours × 9,160 × 4.34 weeks = 1,145,000
(24 hours / 5 days) + 24 hours × 9,160 × 4.34 weeks = 1,145,000 주휴수당

* / 40 hours × 8 hours / 5 days. Calculations have been rounded up

6. 4.34 weeks

365 days in a year / 7 days = 52.14 weeks in 1 year
52.14 weeks / 12 months = 4.34 weeks in terms of 1 month

Hello ✅ Today, we are going to learn about the payment standards for weekly holiday pay. ✅ Weekly holiday allowance payment standards are slightly different every year. You can rest assured that we will provide you with the most up-to-date information.

✅ Weekly holiday pay means that if you work at the company for more than a certain amount of time, you will receive additional pay. We will discuss this further below in more detail.

As I mentioned briefly above, I mentioned that the weekly holiday allowance is an additional allowance that can be received when working for a certain period of time or longer. In other words, if you work at the company for more than a certain number of hours during a period of one week, you can receive weekly holiday pay.

This is a system introduced by the government to the people who work for a company, and you can think of it as a salary given to people who have worked for a long time. When you first entered the company, you promised to work 5 days a week, and if you actually worked hard 5 days a week without any problems

The company has to pay you an extra day’s pay. It will be easier for you to understand as follows. However, since the payment standards for weekly vacation pay are clearly set, you must comply with the standards to receive weekly vacation pay smoothly. The standard of payment of weekly holiday allowance is as follows.

You must work at least 15 hours per week. (However, only working hours are included, excluding breaks.) 쉬운남자

Assume that you go to work 5 days a week on weekdays. You start work on Monday and end the week on Friday.

At this time, if you assume that you only work 2 hours a day, you will not be able to receive holiday pay at this time because you worked a total of 10 hours over 5 days. However, if you work 4 hours a day, you work a total of 20 hours over 5 days, so you will receive a weekly holiday allowance that meets the weekly holiday allowance payment criteria.

You must work all the working days for which the employment contract was drawn up. (If you have a contract for 5 days a week, you only need to work normally 5 days a week.)

In this case, if you have agreed to work 5 days a week at the time of writing the employment contract, you will not be paid weekly holiday pay if you do not go to work except for annual leave.

In this case, it is important to note that the work allowance for the day you do not go to work and the weekly holiday allowance for the week you do not go to work are not paid. I hope you will take note of this.

3rd based on weekly holiday pay

Even if no work is scheduled for the following week, you will receive a weekly holiday allowance.

This weekly holiday allowance payment standard was relatively recently established, and until August 3, 2021, just a few months ago, based on the day you worked, you had to work the following week to pay the weekly holiday allowance.

Weekly Holiday Allowance Payment Standard

In other words, even if you met your normal working hours one week before leaving the company, you were not entitled to weekly holiday pay for the last week. However, the new payment standard has been changed so that even if there is no work in the next week, that is, even if you leave the company, you can receive weekly holiday pay until the end.

Calculate with a calculator

7. Calculation of weekly wages

8. Salary Calculator

9. 125 hours

(24 hours / 40 hours × 8 hours) + 24 hours × 4.34 weeks = 125 hours
(24 hours / 5 days) + 24 hours × 4.34 weeks = 125 hours

* / 40 hours × 8 hours / 5 days. Calculations have been rounded up

Up to this point, we have calculated the weekly wage and salary, including weekly holiday pay and weekly holiday pay. As for holiday pay, each company has slightly different rules, so I can’t say which one is the right answer. do.