차대번호 조회방법 및 제조사별 사이트 How to look up vehicle identification number and sites by manufacturer

Today, I will introduce how to look up Hyundai Motor Company’s vehicle identification number and check its specifications. We will learn about vehicle identification numbers and how they are used. In addition to mechanics and used car dealers, we will focus on what individuals can learn and utilize by checking for themselves.차대번호 조회

차대번호 조회

1. What is a vehicle identification number?
The vehicle identification number is a serial number issued at the time of automobile manufacturing and is a unique identification number that cannot be forged or altered. The vehicle identification number contains a lot of information, including country of manufacture, manufacturer, vehicle model, year of production, and vehicle options. It consists of 17 words and numbers, and can be said to be the car’s resident registration number, which is used as often as the license plate number.


The vehicle identification number is very important in vehicle management, maintenance, and sales. When repairing a car at a repair shop, it is used to look up accurate parts and check the manual. Recently, repair services that only purchase parts and charge labor have developed, so accurate parts tracking is necessary. In this way, it is used as information that individuals can search to find parts that fit their vehicles. Additionally, when trading a used car, you can accurately check important information such as the vehicle’s production date and options at the time of shipment.


2. How to check vehicle identification number
An easy way to check your vehicle identification number is to check your vehicle registration card. If you have difficulty checking your vehicle registration card, you can check the vehicle identification number inside the vehicle. It is engraved in various locations, including under the passenger seat, inside the driver’s door, rear window, and the bottom of the windshield dashboard. The illustration of the vehicle identification number below is taken directly from the Hyundai Motor Company vehicle manual. It can be easily checked from the location.


How to check vehicle identification number
How to check vehicle identification number

3. How to check Hyundai Motor Company’s vehicle identification number and specifications
After checking the vehicle identification number, you can search the specifications by entering the vehicle identification number on the Hyundai Motor Company website below.


Check specifications – Vehicle management service – Membership & vehicle management | Hyundai Motor

You can inquire about vehicle details. You can find out how to check the specifications of your vehicle.


Hyundai Motor Specifications Inquiry

This concludes the information on how to check Hyundai Motor Company’s vehicle identification number and specifications. These days, many people are doing simple car repairs themselves. There are also many cases where the vehicle is repaired by purchasing the parts directly and paying only the labor cost. In order to purchase the correct parts for your vehicle, the vehicle identification number is required. You can purchase parts without any problem by using Blue Hands parts dealer or Hyundai Mobis parts dealer by looking up the exact specifications through the vehicle identification number. It would be a good idea to use it for simple light replacement or to check factory specifications when purchasing a used car.