카카오뱅크 중고차대출 Things to check when purchasing a used car with Kakao Bank

카카오뱅크 중고차대출Morning Dew

Let’s learn about Kakao Bank’s used car purchase loan. There are pros and cons to both new and used cars, but when purchasing a used car, there are many cases where a new car is purchased because the loan or other conditions do not match. The Kakao used car purchase loan that I will introduce this time can help you check if it is a verified vehicle that you can trust, so it can relieve some of your worries about whether there are any problems with the used car, and you can find out the interest rate and limit just by looking up the vehicle number, and it is also available on weekends, so many people are looking for it.

Used car purchase loan

Used car purchase fund loan

Employee (current job employment for 6 months or more)
Customer with annual income of 20 million won or more
In case of joint owner, primary contractor with 50% or more vehicle ownership share

Contents of category Possible vehicle type Non-possible vehicle type
※ Excluding items for sale at automobile dealers in Busan

If the vehicle registration date is over 15 years based on the first registration date on the vehicle registration certificate
If the vehicle is not directly owned by the used car dealer and is not for sale (commercial use)
Vehicles directly traded between individuals or vehicles with unclear owners
If the dealer owning the vehicle is not a normal business (loan deposit not possible)
In case of joint owner, secondary contractor with less than 50% vehicle ownership share
※ The period of employment is calculated based on the National Health Insurance Corporation qualification acquisition/loss confirmation certificate※ Annual income is estimated as the insurance premium paid on the National Health Insurance Corporation insurance premium payment confirmation certificate※ Foreign nationals aged 19 or older※ Information on delinquency, default, etc. Customers who do not have credit rating information registered ※ Customers who have not applied for rehabilitation, bankruptcy, or exemption ※ Customers who do not have a history of overdue loans or losses from this bank ※ Customers who do not have a record of financial fraud ※ Customers who can be issued with insurance certificates from Seoul Guarantee Insurance Co., Ltd.

The loan limit is within the scope of the issuance of a certificate of guarantee (guarantee insurance).
Used car purchase loan

※ The limit calculated by the bank’s credit evaluation system is applied differentially depending on the individual’s credit, repayment ability, and debt status. ※ If you are under 25 years of age, you can only borrow up to 80% of the vehicle purchase price. ※ The minimum loan application amount is 1 million won or more

Equal installment repayment of principal and interest: 1 to 5 years

Equal installment repayment of principalEqual installment repayment of principal and interest



From 6:00 to 23:30
※ Loan transfer is only possible during loan application hours. Loan execution is possible after passing the document screening.

We will inform you whether it is possible on the same day depending on the number of document screening applications.

WeekdaySaturday/SundayPublic holidaysNote

CategoryContentsSubmission documents through certificateImage (original photo) Submission documents

Kakao Bank’s ‘Used Car Purchase Loan’ is a loan for purchasing a used car, and after purchasing the vehicle, the ownership must be transferred to the vehicle in your name.

In addition, if it is a commercial vehicle owned by a trading company for the purpose of sale, a loan application is possible, but it is difficult to get a loan if it is a transaction between individuals.

A loan is also possible if you purchase a vehicle under joint ownership. However, in the case of joint ownership, the loan can only be given if the person applying for the loan has at least a 50% stake.

As you have learned so far, it seems convenient and useful to find out about Kakao’s used car loan, which is safe and convenient when purchasing a used car, and use it if the conditions are met.

I wish I had known in advance

카카오뱅크 중고차대출
