카카오택시 고객센터 및 전화번호 Kakao Taxi customer center and phone number

Do you use Kakao Taxi a lot? I also use Kakao Taxi sometimes. Especially when I get off work very late and the local bus is out of service, I use Kakao Taxi to get home!

카카오택시 고객센터

카카오택시 고객센터

Kakao Taxi Customer Center
Kakao Taxi Customer Center


However, you cannot always be satisfied while using Kakao Taxi. Sometimes, you may encounter various inconveniences or have questions that inevitably require you to contact customer service.









In this case, you can leave an inquiry at Kakao Taxi or call them directly. However, written inquiries are not immediately answered, so in more urgent situations, it would be a better option to call Kakao Taxi customer center directly.


1. Call customer service center

Kakao Taxi’s customer center phone number is 1599-9400. There may be times when you need to contact the Kakao Taxi driver because you have left something in the taxi.

Call Kakao Taxi customer service center


In this case, you may be able to contact the Kakao Taxi customer center above, tell the customer center about your destination and answer any questions asked by the counselor, then explain the situation and receive the driver’s phone number.

Please refer to the information below on how to immediately check the driver’s phone number.

Kakao Taxi driver phone number and contact method

Kakao Taxi driver phone number and contact method

These days, you can use a taxi very easily through Kakao Taxi. However, there may be times when you need to contact the driver separately due to lost items or other reasons.

Contact Kakao Taxi driver

2. Leave an inquiry




If your inquiry is not that urgent, you may choose to leave a message rather than a phone call. If you would like to leave an inquiry first, please follow the steps below.






Access the Kakao Taxi app → My information at the bottom right → Service inquiry → KakaoTalk chatbot connected → Consultation begins after connecting to the chatbot or agent (however, the agent connection is from 8:00 a.m. to 01:00 a.m. Monday to Saturday)






In conclusion


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Today, we learned how to leave an inquiry if you have any other inquiries, including the Kakao Taxi customer service phone number. If you have any inconveniences or questions while using Kakao Taxi, do not panic or worry too much and try to resolve it by calling the customer service center directly or leaving an inquiry!