카카오톡 차단 확인 Check Kakao Talk Blocking

In some cases, 1 does not disappear for several days while sending KakaoTalk to the other party and waiting for a reply. So, you might be wondering, Have you blocked me? Also, you might be thinking, “What if I tried to send a KakaoTalk message to a friend or ex-lover I had a fight with and blocked me?” KakaoTalk allows you to check whether the other person has blocked you or not. The method most people know how to check is to invite a person to check the block in a group chat. However, I do not really recommend this method because if you are invited in a real group chat, you will feel embarrassed or embarrassed and the other person may be embarrassed.

So, I would like to recommend the method of checking by deleting the contact of the person you want to check, rather than confirming it with a group chat invitation. Also, whenever I wonder if the other person has blocked me, I delete the contact and check it. However, since you have to delete the contact, if you need the other person’s contact information, please write the contact in a memo and delete it. From now on, I will tell you how to check KakaoTalk blocking.

카카오톡 차단 확인

How to check KakaoTalk blocking

1. KakaoTalk Block Delete the contact information of the person you want to check. 카카오톡 차단 확인

2. Execute KakaoTalk. 좋은뉴스

3. Press and hold the person you want to block.

4 Click Block.

5. Click OK.

6. Click the gear icon.

7. Click Manage Friends.

8. Click Manage Blocked Friends.

9. Click Manage people to block.

10. Select Unblock.

11. Click OK.

12. Be sure to click Cancel.

※ If you click Add Friend by mistake, you cannot check whether the person has been blocked because the other person is immediately displayed on the KakaoTalk friend list.

13. Click Meet New Friends.

※ In any case, it may not appear in the recommended friend list, so please go to the friend settings and refresh it.

14. You can check whether or not there are people you want to block on the list of recommended friends.

※ If there is someone in the friend recommendation, it means that you have not blocked me. If there is no other person, it means that you have blocked me.

※ Also, if there is a counterpart, the name of the other party will be saved as the name saved by the other party, not the name saved by me.