쿠팡 할인카드 There is also a Coupang discount card and a Shinhan check card.

This time, we will introduce the iPhone 13 Pro model. It is the product that I think is the best purchase among the smartphones I bought last year. The phone I’m using is the iPhone 13 Pro Max model, which is the most expensive and largest model of the iPhone 13 model.
For reference, Coupang is currently selling the iPhone 13 Pro Max model at a discount, and you can purchase it at an 8% discount by applying the maximum card discount. Basically, it is a 5% discount compared to the factory price, and an additional 8% card discount is applied here, resulting in a huge discount.
Coupang iPhone 13 purchase page 쿠팡 할인카드
iPhone 13 Pro I iPhone 13 Pro Max

쿠팡 할인카드

There are two major changes in this iPhone 13 Pro Max. These are the regrets I felt while using the iPhone 12, the previous generation product. It was the capacity of the battery, and since the iPhone 13 model, the battery capacity itself has increased physically, so the actual use time has increased dramatically. 이베이스매뉴얼

Not only that, thanks to the promotion function, it uses a smooth refresh rate, and usually takes a variable refresh rate, such as a lower refresh rate, so that when the iPhone 13 Pro is actually used, the battery efficiency or usage has greatly increased.
The notch is a bit disappointing, but I’ve never had a problem with the notch or anything like that while using the iPhone 13 Pro Max model. Because there is no process of getting used to it, it just naturally settles into place.

The iPhone 13 Pro Max model has three cameras, all of which have excellent picture quality. Each is a telephoto, ultra-wide, and wide camera, and they all have a bright aperture and a fairly good lens.

In fact, using the iPhone 13 Pro Max, I took a picture of pork belly and neck at a meat restaurant, and as you can see, it came out really nicely. It can be taken with good quality not only for photos but also for videos, and it can be taken brightly even at night.

And the iPhone 13 Pro Max has a really nice portrait mode, which blows away the background and has the ability to make photos look neat too. After I bought the iPhone 13 Pro Max, I stopped carrying a mirrorless separately.

The difference in the angle of view between the telephoto camera and the ultra-wide-angle camera is very noticeable. In practice, it is used quite often and often.

The advantage and disadvantage of the iPhone 13 Pro Max is that it is large. If you can withstand the large and heavy iPhone 13 Pro Max, you can buy this product. The screen is as big as it is big, and in my case, I really liked the horizontal size grip when playing games.

In fact, this is how I feel when I hold the iPhone 13 Pro Max. It’s a pretty decent size for an adult male. Of course, there are times when the iPhone 13 Pro Max feels big, but considering the battery life and size, the iPhone 13 Pro Max is a pretty good choice.

And the game is also quite good, with promotions installed, you can enjoy the game at a high refresh rate of 120Hz, and the smoothness of the graphics and screen, and the fact that you can play naturally without lag, all give the best experience. I am personally satisfied with the iPhone 13 Pro Max, and it has been a long time since it has been established as my dedicated camera and gaming machine.

Lastly, it is good to listen while running YouTube or various contents, and it is really the highest satisfaction among smartphones made in 2021, and it is one of the mobile phones that I use the most until 2022. As a discount sale is in progress at Coupang, I hope you can purchase at a lower price by applying a card discount. For reference, since it is a self-sufficient product, it is not affected by the telecommunication company, and you can use the product at a low rate by using an affordable phone carrier.