피부관리사 자격증 Information on precautions for the 2022 esthetician practical exam (20 items)

In the case of the esthetician practical exam, there are many things to keep in mind compared to other exams, such as accompanying a model, mask, and hair removal. We will provide you with 19 frequently asked questions and key questions, so please use them as a reference for your exams and achieve good results.



Information on precautions for the esthetician practical exam
Q1. What is the assignment structure of the esthetician practical exam? 피부관리사 자격증

A1. It is implemented in the following order: Task 1 ‘Face Care’, Task 2 ‘Arm and Leg Care’, and Task 3 ‘Skin Care Using Lymph’.

피부관리사 자격증

Q2. What is the test time for each assignment?

A2. The total time is 2 hours (based on pure work time), and the time for each task is 85 minutes for task 1, 35 minutes for task 2, and 15 minutes for task 3, for a total of 2 hours and 15 minutes.


Q3. What basic preparation work should I do?

A3. Before the start of the assignment, time is allocated for preparatory work. During this time, all you have to do is prepare the materials, tools, and beds needed for the assignment appropriately for the task and then wait. The model must be ready to work immediately, just lie down and wait.


Q4. What is the difference between a manual skin care treatment and a massage?

A4. Esthetician’s skin care does not use the term massage. The purposes of commercially available massage and manual skin care (manual techniques) are clearly different. In skin care, skin care using hands basically means smooth application of substances such as cosmetics and a series of hand movements to help with that. It is different from a series of massage methods that stimulate certain areas or induce pleasure by strongly pressing or massaging muscles. There is a clear difference.


Q5. How do I write a skin care plan?

A5. On the day of the test, you will specify the type of facial area and the deep cleansing agent to be used (presented at the test site on the day) and a skin care plan will be created accordingly, regardless of the skin type of the model accompanying you. And subsequent work can be done based on the products on the skin care plan, regardless of the model’s skin type. For information on other skin care plans, please refer to the disclosure issues.


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Q6. How do I tackle my eyebrow care challenges?

A6. You can trim your eyebrows using scissors, an eyebrow knife, or tweezers. When using tweezers, you must be present and follow the instructions of a supervisor, and you only need to pull out three or more. For fine hairs and shaping on large surfaces, you can use an eyebrow knife. You can collect the eyebrows removed during eyebrow grooming in a tissue next to you and throw them in the trash can according to the instructions of the supervisor. (If you do not have any eyebrows, it will be judged that you have already trimmed your eyebrows in advance, and you may be penalized in grading.) However, when grooming your eyebrows, you may be penalized. You should only work on one eyebrow.


Q7. How do I tackle the deep cleansing challenge?

A7. Regardless of the model’s skin type, care must be taken using the product type specified on the day among the four types.


Q8. What should I do with the pack?

A8. You can use the product that matches your face and neck type as specified at the testing center. The pack is applied to each of the three areas of the face: the T zone, U zone, and neck (the entire area may be one type, or each of the three areas may be a different type).


Q9. How do I wear a mask?

A9. You can use either a plaster mask or a rubber modeling mask specified by the testing center. After performing the basic pretreatment for the mask, apply it to the nose and mouth from the face to the border of the neck (including the bottom of the chin) to allow breathing.


Q10. How long does it take to care for your arms and legs, and what areas do you care for?

A10. The treatment begins with treating the arms for 10 minutes, followed by treating the legs for 15 minutes. As revealed, the treatment area will be worked on a total of 2 areas, the right arm and right leg, in order. The entire arm is subject to management, and in the case of the leg, the scope has been expanded to include the entire body. The legs refer to the entire lower part excluding the groin, and also include the back, so the back can be managed by raising the legs (upright or sideways in the shape of frog legs).


Q11. How do I remove hair?

A11. Just pour the provided wax into a paper cup and use it. The working area for hair removal work can be any part of both arms or legs suitable for hair removal, and the hair removal area should be about 4~5 x 12~15cm, which is the appropriate size when using the non-woven fabric (7 . However, when removing non-woven fabric, the work must be done in the presence of a supervisor.


Q12. How do I manage using lymph?

A12. Management using lymph is carried out in 15 minutes, and lymph management can be completed as soon as the treatment ends. Management using lymph targets the face and neck, and skin care can be done using hands along the lymph nodes. The order is to lightly apply the éplage in the décolleté area, and then start the hand movement from the profundus. You can do this in the order of neck care and face care, and finish with the last movement, éplage.


Q13. If you look at skin care clinics on the market, the methods of skin care are quite different depending on the business, and the treatment methods used by each business or person seem to be different. What is the standard?

A13. The skin esthetician exam is at the technician level. In other words, it does not require fancy techniques or special work methods because it covers the basic movements and procedures required to perform the work of a skin beautician. The basic direction for skin care using hands is to score basic movements and postures, including accuracy, connectivity, and rhythmic movements.


Q14. What is provided at the testing center during the exam?

A14. Commonly used equipment (wax warmers, heating cabinets, etc.) and beds are prepared at the testing site.


Q15. Do I have to bring my own model?

A15. Test takers must bring a model with them. You will be responsible for managing the model you bring, and you must provide the model with any necessary items (gown, slippers, etc.) during the pre-preparation time.


Q16. I want to know the conditions of the model

A16. Basically, you must wear makeup, and there is no upper age limit for models, and anyone born in the year they turn 14 can become a model. In addition to Korean nationality, Korean-Chinese, Chinese-Chinese, Southeast Asian, and Caucasian people can serve as models. However, models whose skin color is very different from that of ordinary Koreans and may interfere with the supervisor’s grading are not allowed. In addition, people with extremely sensitive skin or severe pustular acne (meaning skin that develops problems even after a single treatment with scrum or gomajui), 6 months after plastic surgery (nose, eye, chin contouring, wrinkle removal, etc.) People with eyebrows, pregnant people, people with skin diseases unsuitable for skin care, etc. cannot become models, and people with no or small eyebrows (generally less than 2/3 of the width) cannot work on eyebrow care. People who are not suitable for hair removal treatment or who have little or no body hair may be subject to disadvantages such as reduced points. Female test takers need to prepare a female model, and male test takers need to prepare a male model. You must obtain consent from the model in advance regarding the exposure required for the job.


Q17. What should I do as a model when a man is staring?

A17. In the case of men, skin care is performed separately for male test takers and for male models. Additionally, models must basically have makeup on, and if you are a male model who needs makeup, you will be able to apply makeup that suits the model’s conditions in the waiting room of the testing site, so you need to make separate preparations for this. Additionally, male models must take off their tops to receive treatment on the bed in the testing room, and must take off their bottoms when treating their legs, or take care of their bottoms so that they do not interfere with the range of leg care.


Q18. Should I apply cosmetics on my cheeks?

A18. Basically, in order to maintain sanitary conditions during care, it is recommended to pour the required amount into a bowl and then use it for care, unless the entire amount is used at once. If all three balls are used, it is allowed to wipe them with a tissue, disinfect them, and reuse them (you can bring additional small balls if necessary).


Q19. How should I use the compress?

A19. There are steps in care where hot or cold compresses must be used. In other cases, the use of compresses is considered a management choice or method and is not scored (the question of when to use it is related to scoring and will not be answered). Additionally, you can use the warm compress in the provided heating cabinet, and you must bring it with you each time you use it. Also, when using the heating cabinet, you can bring the compress using tongs (will be provided, you can use your own tongs) and tray.


Q20. 1 When managing tasks using your hands, what area is managed?

A20. When performing manual management in task 1, the area to be managed is up to the décolleté. However, it does not include the areas inside the chest and armpits.


<Source: Qnet>


Tips for passing the exam
one. It is important to pass any exam the first time. Therefore, we would like to inform you that one way to avoid failure is to use famous places that we know well, such as Eduwill or Hackers. Where it is proven, there is a reason. Additionally, these large academies hold events almost 365 days a year, so please check carefully to see if they provide government subsidies, textbooks, discounts, or event books.

two. Get started right away. Thinking about and researching about dieting and actually going on a diet are completely different. At least if you are reading this, you are probably interested in testing.