하이패스 사용내역 조회방법 및 영수증 출력 방법 Hi-Pass usage history inquiry method and receipt printing method

Find out how to view and save Hi-Pass usage history

하이패스 사용내역

Normally, you don’t need a high pass usage history, but sometimes you need it for something. I’ve often needed it to cover expenses.

Hi-Pass usage history inquiry
Hi-Pass usage history inquiry

It was a bit difficult because I had to save it after looking it up. We have organized it to make it easy to understand, so please read more below.

하이패스 사용내역

Hi-Pass usage history inquiry
Hi-Pass usage history inquiry

View and save Hi-Pass usage history
Please follow the contents below step by step, and it is easily possible by accessing the Hi-Pass website.

Hi-Pass usage history inquiry
Hi-Pass usage history inquiry
After logging in to the website, go to the user information page. Select the card company and card number, and specify the desired period. Sorting options are also provided to sort by number of cases or by date, so you can search conveniently.


Hi-Pass usage history inquiry
High Pass Homepage

You can select and print the receipt you want from among the details searched above, or save it as an Excel file. Please note that you can also use screen captures for proof of receipt like me. If you do not have a printer capable of printing, you can save as a PDF or photo file, so please use it carefully.


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Hi-Pass usage history inquiry notes
There is a viewing period. Above all, you can search usage history up to 3 years from the current date. In addition, in the case of a postpaid card rather than a prepaid card, it may take up to 3 days to settle, so please check after this period.

Hi-Pass usage history inquiry
High Pass Homepage

As mentioned earlier, if you are using a postpaid card, it may take up to 3 days for the Hi-Pass account to be settled. Therefore, it is recommended to inquire with a certain period of grace in order to check the exact payment details. When settlement is complete, accurate payment information will be reflected in the inquiry results.

Hi-Pass usage history inquiry

Since it is done by a machine, problems such as incorrect usage history or double payment may sometimes occur when using Hi-Pass. In order to prevent this, it is recommended to check the usage history regularly, and if there is any doubt, contact the credit card company or Hi-Pass customer center to resolve it.


We learned about querying and saving Hi-Pass usage history. You can check the usage history for the desired period through simple settings on the website, and you can easily manage receipts by printing or saving. In particular, please pay attention to the usage history inquiry time or the settlement period of the deferred payment card.