학교문화 책임규약 알아보기 Learn about the school culture responsibility code

Violence that should never exist today!!

Among them, everyone is worried if they have children.

I would like to talk about school violence!

​학교문화 책임규약

학교문화 책임규약

Utilizing Ministry of Education data

Things will change starting from the first semester of 2024

school violence system


We take strict action against serious school violence.

From the school violence cases reported and received from Saturday, March 1 of this year, among the school violence measures against the perpetrators who caused serious school violence, attendance suspension (No. 6), class change (No. 7), and school transfer (No. 8) were taken. The retention period for school records is extended from 2 years to 4 years after graduation.

Utilizing Ministry of Education data

※ Measures taken against students who commit school violence: No. 1, No. 2 (prohibition of contact, threats, or retaliation), No. 3 (school service), No. 4 (community service), No. 5 (special education or psychological treatment), No. 6 (suspension of attendance) ), No. 7 (class change), No. 8 (transfer), No. 9 (expulsion)


Utilizing Ministry of Education data

Starting with new students of elementary, middle, and high schools in the 2024 school year, a new school violence action status management section in the student record will be created to record all school violence action items. Previously, school violence actions were recorded in the student record as attendance status special notes and personnel and academic records special notes. , improvements have been made to systematically manage the scattered entries in the behavioral characteristics and general opinion columns.

Utilizing Ministry of Education data

※ Reinforcement of deliberation and deletion requirements

Check whether the victim consents

Check whether administrative trials or lawsuits are in progress

※ Expansion of reflection of measures taken in college admissions

It reflects not only the student record-based selection process but also the college entrance exam, essay writing, and practical/performance-based selection process.

Voluntary reflection for college admissions in 2025, mandatory reflection starting from college admissions in 2026

We strengthen protective measures focusing on victims.

Instant separator-to-separator extension

Up to 3 days → Up to 7 days

Strengthening emergency measures by school principals

‘Class change’ added to emergency measures for offenders

Establishment of right to request separation of affected student

Request from a victim → Review by a dedicated organization → Suspension of attendance or change of class → Separation of students

Guarantee the victim’s right to speak out

Obligation to listen to victims’ opinions in administrative trials and lawsuits filed by perpetrators

Utilizing Ministry of Education data

Strengthen the ability to respond to school violence at each school level.

Operation of Zero School Violence Center

Integrated support from the Zero School Violence Center of all education support offices nationwide

School violence case investigation

Support for recovery from damage and improvement of relationships

Legal advice to victims, etc.

Strengthening the educational coordination function of schools

Expanding the scope of school principals’ own solutions

Protecting teaching rights and improving conditions for responsible teachers

School-student-parent school culture responsibility code operation

Utilizing Ministry of Education data

School violence investigation is handled by a dedicated school violence investigator.

Securing expertise and fairness

A dedicated school violence investigator appointed and commissioned by the Superintendent of Education (Chief of Education) conducts an investigation to confirm whether school violence is true.

Strengthening the educational coordination function of schools

Protecting damaged students

Improving victim-offender relationship

Student life guidance

Utilizing Ministry of Education data

We promise a violence-free school culture through our school culture responsibility code.

What is the School Culture Responsibility Code?

A code by which all school members, including students, teachers, and parents, confirm the content and responsibility for school violence and practice and promise to create a school culture free of violence.

How to practice

(Preparation) Forming consensus ▶ (Plan) Establishing an operation plan ▶ (Implementation) Gathering opinions from members ▶ (Return) Disclosing regulations

How to participate

Participate in a signature campaign in connection with events and educational activities at the school, grade, and class level.

Utilizing Ministry of Education data

Violence is one of the things that should not exist.

Punishment regulations are strictly enforced

I think we need to become stronger.