한솥도시락 추천 Don’t worry about the lunch menu, today! 5 recommended lunchbox menus – rereco

한솥도시락 추천The best & steady seller of Hanpot is, of course, the chicken mayo lunch box. (It’s also the editor’s favorite menu.) Zidanchae and sliced ​​chicken karaage are served on top of rice, and finely chopped seaweed is added to it, and mayo dressing and savory rice bowl sauce are added to it. A taste that everyone will love. The amount of rice and chicken increases in the order of tuna mayo < big chicken mayo < king chicken mayo, and mega chicken mayo has 2.5 times more fried chicken than regular chicken mayo. It goes well with the Cheongyang pepper topping. Among the Hanpot Meat Series for those who like meat side dishes, the most recommended menu is Tonchi Meat. Pork cutlet, chicken karaage, beef bulgogi, and stir-fried pork meat go well together and fill your stomach very well. If you are close to elementary school taste, donchi spam group is also recommended! A bibimbap menu that consists of drained tuna and vegetables on top of rice and sprinkled with licorice red pepper paste and mayo sauce. Highly recommended for those looking for a light meal. The savory sauce is perfect for stimulating your appetite! Adding a fried egg is also recommended. It is a rice bowl topped with direct fire grilled with charcoal flavor and green onion, and it has a secret fan base. The spicy rayu sauce makes the flavor of the meat stronger. Note that you can also purchase it in the form of an assorted lunch box provided with side dishes! A hearty lunch box with boneless boneless mackerel teriyaki, beef bulgogi, fried shrimp, and chicken. If you are a single-person household who cannot easily challenge fish dishes, it is worth ordering them once in a while. The price may be expensive, but honestly considering that there are not many things you can buy for 8,000 won outside, it will be a very hearty meal. ? All images are sourced from Hansot Dosirak website. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Lyreco Magazine delivers daily life information. More from CN Contact

한솥도시락 추천
