한진택배 배송조회 안됨 Hanjin Express delivery inquiry and inquiry

Hanjin Express delivery inquiry and inquiryIn this post, we will find out how to inquire Hanjin Express delivery. These days, various types of courier services are increasing. In particular, the one-click service newly opened by Hanjin is gaining popularity. Targeting small users who send about 10 messages a day, TAGAP can be used at a reasonable price and with convenient features. I think it is a service that is advantageous to those who send out 1 or 2 parcels a day, such as used transactions or influencers. Rates range from KRW 2,500 to KRW 3,000 per box, the lowest in the industry. It is more expensive than convenience store delivery, but has the great advantage of direct delivery. However, Jeju and island areas may incur additional charges. 한진택배 배송조회 안됨

Also, when using a courier service, there are cases in which the tracking of the waybill is difficult. In this case, it is most accurate to look up on the official website. If you enter the number without “-“, you can quickly check the product location and progress. And if delivery is stopped in the middle, you can consult with the agent to solve the problem through online inquiry.

Below is the Hanjin Express delivery inquiry method. Please refer to it and carefully check the location of the current item.

한진택배 배송조회 안됨


Hanjin Express Delivery Tracking Method 비지니스헬퍼
How to contact an agent

Hanjin Express delivery inquiry


Hanjin Express Delivery Tracking Method

1. Click “Reservation/Inquiry” > “Delivery inquiry” on the top menu of the official website.

(Go to HANJIN Official Home)


2. Enter the waybill number without ‘-‘ in the search box.


3. After checking the basic information, you can check the delivery status at a glance.


4. If you scroll down a little further, you can see the product location and progress by hour.


How to contact an agent
1. If there is a problem with the delivery process, please click “Customer’s Message” in the upper right corner.


2. If you enter your name, contact number, email, waybill number, subject, and details, the agent will promptly send you a response via email.