휴대폰 요금 미납 및 정지 ,해제조건, 납부방법 Non-payment and suspension of mobile phone bills, cancellation conditions, payment methods

How to check unpaid cell phone bills
휴대폰 요금 미납

As of May 2022, the number of subscribers to domestic mobile carriers was counted at 55,538,014. It is a slightly higher number than the current population of Korea, which is 51.62 million. In terms of the ratio, each person has one cell phone, but if you include minors or children, you can think of it as about two cell phones per person. As much as this number of subscribers indicates, the number of people who are unpaid for mobile phone bills also appears insignificant. The problem is that automatic transfers do not occur frequently. What if my cell phone bill is unpaid without my knowledge? Let’s find out more.

How to check unpaid cell phone bills휴대폰 요금 미납

1. How to check unpaid cell phone bills
2. How to inquire unpaid charges from telecommunication companies
3. How to inquire unpaid charges in the customer center
4. How to check unpaid bills online

How to check unpaid cell phone bills
There are three main ways to check unpaid cell phone bills. The most common method is to download and check your telecommunications company’s application, the second is to call the telecommunications company 114 to check, and the third is to inquire at the broadcasting communication credit information joint management site.



How to look up unpaid bills from telecommunication companies
Based on SKT, which has the largest number of subscribers among mobile carriers, you can check after installing the Tworld app first.


Download the mobile Tworld app



Tworld unpaid bill inquiry method

Click the magnifying glass on the main screen and search for “unpaid charges”. After searching, click my T > My Fees > Unpaid Fees Lookup. If there is an unpaid fee, the fee will be inquired, and for those who paid monthly by direct debit like me, of course, it is normal if the unpaid fee does not come out.


How to check customer center unpaid charges
Of the mobile carriers, only SKT can search for free, and KT and U+ require a fee for inquiry through the customer center.

SKT: 080-011-6000 (free), 1599-0011 (paid) without an area code
KT: 100 without area code (paid)
U+ : 1544-0010 (paid)
The inquiry method through the customer center has the advantage of being able to easily inquire according to the voice of the guide. This method is suitable for the elderly who find it cumbersome or difficult to use the terminal. However, with the exception of SKT, the rest of the carriers charge a fee, so please think carefully and make your decision.



How to look up unpaid bills online
You can view credit information and unpaid cell phone bills free of charge on the broadcasting communication credit information joint management site. First, access the site below.


Go to cell phone unpaid bill inquiry


1. After accessing the site, click the red circled area to view your credit information.

2. Check your credit information inquiry details


You can inquire credit information in your name for free, and details such as overdue information on broadcasting and communication, suspension and cancellation of illegal spam, suspension of excessive amount usage, and information on overdue fines.


3. Agree to process personal information and unique identification information

4. Check your credit information after selecting your identity verification method

I think authentication by mobile phone is the easiest. If you go through a simple authentication process through the pass app, your identity is verified.


5. Check for unpaid bills

As a result of the inquiry, of course, I did not find any details because I did not have unpaid bills. If you have unpaid cell phone bills or late fines, those who are applicable will appear in the results.