2024년 봄꽃 축제 Summary of the 2024 National Cherry Blossom Festival Schedule (Cherry Blossom Bloom Time Information)

2024년 봄꽃 축제As winter comes to an end, many people are waiting for spring. We are going to look at the schedule of cherry blossom festivals across the country, which can be considered the flower of spring events. Due to climate change, the cherry blossom blooming season has moved a little earlier, and the schedule for the cherry blossom festival to enjoy the cherry blossoms has also moved earlier, so please check and make your travel plans.

The schedules for all festivals have not been released yet, and only a few festivals, such as Progressive Gunhangje Festival and Yeouido Cherry Blossom Festival, which are the ones that most people attend, have set exact schedules, and the remaining schedules will be released gradually.

It is said that the cherry blossom blooming time in 2024 will be somewhat earlier than the previous year due to climate change. Please refer to the table below for approximate flowering and full bloom times. The exact dates of flowering and full bloom may vary slightly, so it would be a good idea to check the Korea Meteorological Administration website below and make a plan around mid-March.

The Korea Meteorological Administration provides flowering status services from early March to May.
Spring flower blooming status – Cherry Blossoms – Korea Meteorological Administration Weather Nuri
On the first screen of the revamped Weather Nuri website, you can view real-time weather information, radar images, and nationwide special warnings through maps, and check the current weather situation, air quality, and sunrise/sunset times in your area.

Since it is a festival that takes place after winter ends and spring comes, many people flock together, traffic is very congested, and many places will restrict vehicles, so it would be a good idea to keep this in mind when planning. If possible, it is best to use the bus or subway. If you use a car, you should allow plenty of time.

Also, please check the weather in advance to see if it will rain before making a plan.

We looked into the 2024 cherry blossom blooming season and national cherry blossom event schedule. I hope warm spring comes quickly.
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2024년 봄꽃 축제
