2024년 출산혜택 Parental benefit of 1 million won effective from 2024? I said it was good!! 1 million won per month paid to children under 1 year old – Ahn Cheol-soo’s transition committee Yoon Seok-yeol’s maternity policy cash welfare

2024년 출산혜택Parental benefits are a pledge of President-elect Yoon Seok-yeol.
– If you give birth to a child, you will receive 1 million won per month for one year. – You will receive a total of 12 million won in parental benefits per year. – It will not be possible to receive overlapping benefits with childcare leave benefits. – You can receive overlapping benefits because additional support is provided separately from the child allowance and first meeting voucher of 2 million won. – Overlapping benefits are possible. When combined with the subsidy, the amount is 17.6 million won per year per child. This is one of the pledges announced by presidential candidate Yoon Seok-yeol on January 11 this year during a New Year’s press conference at his grandfather’s factory cafe in Seongbuk-gu.
In addition, it was announced that it would support child rearing through full-time elementary schools and gradual integration of kindergartens for infants and toddlers aged 0 to 5 (a new teacher will provide childcare from 7 to 8 p.m. after elementary school).
Announced that it will provide thorough and generous cash welfare support to groups that have difficulty participating in the labor market, such as vulnerable groups, children, the elderly, and the disabled.

As of now, the transition committee and the Ministry of Health and Welfare plan to enact related laws next year in 2023 and implement them at 700,000 won in 2024.

[Exclusive] ‘Pledge’ parents’ benefit to be paid 700,000 won per month from 2024
The presidential transition committee is pushing for a plan to pay 700,000 won per month starting in 2024 for ‘parental benefits’, which was President-elect Yoon Seok-yeol’s welfare pledge. According to the transition committee and related ministries on the 29th, the pledge for parental benefits will be announced on the 2nd of next month.
Transition Committee: “Pay parents a salary of 1 million won per month for children under 1 year old”
The Presidential Transition Committee announced on the 29th that it would pay parents a monthly stipend of 1 million won for children under one year of age. At a press conference in Tongui-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Chairman Ahn Cheol-soo said, “Children under 1 year old (0 months to 1 year old)
[Breaking News] Ahn Cheol-soo: “If you have a child under 1 year old, parents will receive 1 million won in salary”
[Edaily Reporter Choi Hoon-gil] Presidential transition committee chairman Ahn Cheol-soo said at the transition committee press conference in Tongui-dong, Seoul on the 29th, “We will introduce a monthly parental benefit of 1 million won for children under 1 year old (0 to 11 months).
Conclusion: Parental salary of 1 million won per month does not apply to babies born in the year of the Ox born in 2021 and those born in the year of the Tiger in 2022… Haha, it was good.
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2024년 출산혜택
