2024 실업급여 신청방법These are the conditions and application methods for 2024 unemployment benefits. It’s a condition of receiving unemployment benefits after leaving your job, but it’s really shocking if you don’t receive it, right? Anyone can apply for unemployment benefits, but not everyone can receive them. Even if you recently voluntarily quit your job, you can apply for unemployment benefits. Please check below.
If you are currently curious about receiving unemployment benefits, you must meet the following conditions: You need to know whether you qualify for unemployment benefits or not.
Unemployment benefits are a system in which workers who lose their jobs receive living expenses support for a certain period of time. In this article, we will learn more about the conditions for receiving unemployment benefits and how to apply. First of all, if this is your first time receiving unemployment benefits, please check the necessary information using the link below.
To receive unemployment benefits, you must meet the following conditions:
1. Persons qualified as workers
To receive unemployment benefits, you must qualify as an employee. In other words, in general, under the Labor Standards Act, as a full-time employee, the insured unit period must be at least 180 days in total during the 18 months prior to the date of job change.
2. If you lose your job without working
To receive unemployment benefits, you must have lost your job without working. This refers to cases where a person loses their job due to voluntary dismissal, expiration of contract period, etc. Please use the link below to find out the conditions for receiving 100% unemployment benefits after voluntary resignation or expiration of the contract period.
3. When actively seeking employment
To receive unemployment benefits, you must be actively seeking work. Job-seeking activities are activities for employment, and you must keep a job-seeking activity log and record the details of your job-seeking activities. If your job search activity is insufficient, you will not be able to receive unemployment benefits.
To receive unemployment benefits, you must follow the application process. Here’s how to apply:
Fill out and submit the application First, fill out and submit the Employment Insurance Corporation unemployment benefit application (available online). You can fill out the application form by visiting the Employment Insurance Corporation website or in person.
The Employment Insurance Corporation requires the following documents to be submitted:
Learn more about required documents for unemployment benefits
The Employment Insurance Corporation determines eligibility and pays within two weeks of application. Eligibility is determined by taking into account worker qualifications and whether or not job-seeking activities have been carried out.
We have learned about the conditions for applying for 2024 unemployment benefits.
To receive unemployment benefits, you must qualify as a worker and actively seek employment while out of work. You must also apply by submitting the application form and required documents to the Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service. If your application is approved, you may be eligible to receive living expenses support for a certain period of time.
Through this, we help workers experiencing temporary difficulties maintain a stable lifestyle until they find jobs.
Check employment insurance history
7 refunds you’re missing out on because you don’t know about them
Unemployment benefit conditions 180-day insurance unit calculation method
Find out about job change confirmation and issuance of job search registration certificate.
Will I not be able to receive unemployment benefits if I don’t comply with the changed conditions starting in May?
Apply online for first round of unemployment benefits without job search
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