4대 보험 완납증명서 Required documents for the boss #2 📝How to issue a certificate of payment

4대 보험 완납증명서great
Hello, this is Bizbot, a kind secretary for small business owners!

Various documents are required to apply for the support project.
Sometimes the process of issuing documents is so difficult that they give up their application for support.
Bizbot will kindly tell you how to issue all the documents you need!

Today is the second essential document for small business owners! I’ll tell you how to get a certificate of full payment for the 4 insurances.

The four major insurances are social security systems that compel people to join in order to guarantee people’s health and livelihood income above a certain level from social risks such as disease, old age, and unemployment under the responsibility of the state.

Social insurance in Korea includes ‘National Pension’, ‘Health Insurance’, ‘Employment Insurance’ and ‘Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance’.
These four things are called the four insurances.

💡 4 s insurance full payment certificate?
The Certificate of Full Payment of the 4 Major Insurances is literally a document proving that there is no arrears in the 4 major insurance premiums.
When contracting with the state, local governments, public institutions, etc., you must submit a certificate of payment for the 4 major insurances.
Since the 10th of every month is the expiration date, confirmation is required.

Certificates of full payment for the four major insurances can be issued from the National Health Insurance Social Insurance Integrated Collection Portal for businesses and from the National Health Insurance website for individuals. Let’s look at each method in turn.

① Access the National Health Insurance Social Insurance Integrated Collection Portal. (Go to homepage)

Is it necessary to log in before issuance?😉
You can log in through certificate login (business certificate / representative personal certificate) or business site member login.

② Click Certificate Issuance → Certificate of Full Payment.

③ Select Integrated Payer Number → Click Issuance of Print.

The issued file is password-protected for information protection.
◾ Individual: 6-digit date of birth
◾ Business: business number
will open the file so you can output it.

① Access the National Health Insurance homepage. (Go to homepage)

Is it necessary to log in before issuance?😉
There are joint/financial certificates and simple certificates.
If you do not have a joint/financial certificate, you can quickly issue it if you receive it as a simple certificate.

② Click Complaints Complaints → Individual Complaints.

③ Click Certificate Issuance/Confirmation → Premium Payment Certificate.

④ Select one of the insurance categories (health/pension insurance / health insurance / pension insurance) → click Print/Fax Send.

So far, we have looked at how to issue a certificate of full payment of the 4 major insurances, and Bizbot will come back with a series of essential documents for the president!
👉🏻 Go to the first essential document for the boss: How to get a small business confirmation from the Small Business Status Information System
ℹ️ It’s hard to find 800 support projects per month, right?
Bizbot recommends only necessary support projects to the boss for free! 😊
Korea Biz Connect Co., Ltd. | Representative: Juncheol Bae | Business registration number: 184-86-01669

4대 보험 완납증명서

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