화물운송자격증 시험 문제 Freight transport license test questions

Recently, as many industries related to logistics and distribution have been created, not only re-employment after retirement, but also young people are taking on challenges in cargo transportation-related jobs. A cargo transportation license is a necessary license to drive a commercial truck, and even a truck driver must have a cargo transportation license to operate. In this post, we will take a look at how to use the previous freight forwarding license exam questions for those who are challenging the freight forwarding license exam.

화물운송자격증 시험 문제




Check information related to the cargo transportation license test 화물운송자격증 시험 문제
Cargo transportation license is a license that truck drivers (contract, individual, general cargo, etc.) drivers with license plates for commercial use must acquire. In accordance with the Truck Transportation Business Act, after passing the freight transportation qualification test and completing 8 hours of training, the license can be obtained. can be acquired. 좋은뉴스 


Although the difficulty of the freight transport license test is not very high, many people who take the test feel it difficult because many of them are older. First of all, you can go to the shortcut below to register for the cargo transport license test and check the schedule, or search for “cargo transport qualification test” on the search site and check it on the Korea Transportation Safety Authority cargo transport qualification test homepage.




※ Go to Korea Transportation Safety Authority Cargo Transport Qualification Test website



If you have accessed the website of the Korea Transportation Safety Authority’s Cargo Transportation Qualification Test, you can use the top menu and the shortcut menu below to check eligibility, fees, qualification acquisition procedures, and information on how to present questions. If you are a first-time user, please check the information you are interested in by clicking on it one by one.




If you look at the method of preparing the questions for the freight transport license test, it is revealed that the question bank method is used on the homepage. The question bank method randomly mixes a large number of questions and presents them, so it is best to study with a focus on past freight forwarding certification questions because a certain amount of questions keep spinning around. In the case of concept learning, you can download and use reference materials from “Download reference materials” at the bottom of the exam guide, so please refer to them.




Freight transport license issue
Freight transportation license exam questions can be accessed directly from the driver’s homepage, which is a professional driver’s portal.




※ Go to the Drivers website



If you have accessed the Drivers homepage, click “Baro Test” on the far right of the top menu to access the test page, and then click the “Solve previous questions” button in the middle banner or the “Cargo Transport License” menu on the left to easily get your cargo transport license. You can study past exam questions.




The Freight Transport License Previous Questions page provides expected questions and past questions, which are classified by subject, so you can use the problem solving service by clicking the “Solve Problem” button for the desired subject. If you develop a sense of practice through previous exam questions and learn the types of questions, you will definitely be able to increase your chances of passing. I hope you will find it useful, and I will finish posting about the problems of the previous freight transportation license.