보이스피싱 당했을때 대처방법 How to deal with voice phishing

Relief, report, countermeasures, and prevention of voice phishing

보이스피싱 당했을때
When voice phishing
The movie ‘Voice’ released in 2021 is a movie about voice phishing crimes that are evolving intelligently and systematically today.

보이스피싱 당했을때

In the movie, voice phishing organizations are eventually destroyed, but in reality this is not the case.

In 2021, the scale of domestic voicefishing damage is said to have increased by more than 10% compared to 7000 billion won in the previous year to 774.4 billion won.

Since this is only the amount reported to the police, the actual damage may be much larger when considering damages such as micropayments.

Let’s take a look at typical cases of voice phishing damage and how to deal with them and how to prevent them.

When voice phishing
When voice phishing
When voice phishing
When voice phishing

Case 1. Impersonating a family member or acquaintance
This is a method of hacking other people’s messengers or impersonating family members and acquaintances with unknown numbers.

It is made to believe that it is a family member or acquaintance, and information such as identification or credit card number is requested, and funds are defrauded such as illegal loan application and account transfer.

“It’s my mother, but my phone was broken, so I left it after the AS and contacted him via computer. I urgently need money…”

First, even if you are an acquaintance, such as a family member or friend, categorically reject requests for personal information and money, and call your acquaintance’s contact number directly to verify your identity.

No matter how urgent the situation is, you should never remit until it is confirmed.

And if you request money transfer to a family member, acquaintance, or someone else’s account, you should be suspicious.

When voice phishing
When voice phishing
When voice phishing (Source: Financial Services Commission Card News)

Case 2. Impersonation of government and financial institutions
Text messages or phone calls pretending to be official announcements from governments and financial institutions.

It induces clicks to a specific URL to retrieve information such as support fund application, simple loan application, and damage confirmation of information leakage.

When a victim clicks, a malicious app is automatically installed or directed to a phishing site, where personal or financial information is leaked.

“Corona 19 national subsidy application reception http://asdd.efg/qd2”

“Government-led interest reduction for low-income loans, click the identity verification pin at the top or click the preview at the bottom”

Public institutions and institutional financial institutions never ask for personal information, transfer of funds, or installation of apps via text message or phone call.

If you click on a URL address from a suspicious source, a malicious app may be installed, causing damage such as leakage of personal information and embezzlement of funds.

Immediately after voice phishing damage occurs, call your financial company or the Financial Supervisory Service’s call center (1332 without an area code) to request suspension of payment and apply for damage relief.

When voice phishing
When voice phishing
When voice phishing (Source: Financial Services Commission Card News)

Case 3. Encourage installation of remote control apps
Many people receive a text message when paying by credit card.

It is a method of impersonating an investigative agency after sending fake payment text messages, inducing them to install a remote control app under the pretext of leaking personal information, and stealing money by directly accessing the account.

“[Sent from Web] 00 Card Approval 1000,000 Won Payment Completed. Order No. 0000-00-00000 has been completed.”

“This is the manager of Financial Supervisory Service 000. Did you just receive the payment text message? Hurry up and install the security app…”

“The package is being stored because the address does not match. Please click the link below to install the app…”

Under no circumstances should you ever ask to install an app.

If you have installed the app, delete it immediately and make sure that you do not enter any passwords or financial information.

When voice phishing
When voice phishing
When voice phishing (Source: Financial Services Commission Card News)

Case 4. Face-to-face cheating voice phishing
It is a method of stealing money by impersonating a financial institution or investigative agency, approaching by phone or text message, and then calling the victim to a certain place to collect money.

“Financial Supervisory Service. You are involved in a crime and you need to keep the money in the FSS safe. Withdraw the cash and come to the 00 Park by 00:00.”

I wonder why I would fall for this obvious trick, but it is said that 22,752 face-to-face voice phishing occurred in Korea in 2021.

In the past, it was said that remittance was difficult even if a member of the organization was arrested on the spot under the ‘Communication Fraud Damage Refund Act’ because it was not a remittance or transfer.

However, the law has been revised and the same law applies to face-to-face defrauding voice phishing, so that the investigation agency can request the financial company to suspend the payment of the account immediately after apprehending the criminal on the spot.

(Amendment: The act of receiving or having to provide cash is included in telecommunication financial fraud)

When voice phishing
When voice phishing
When voice phishing (Source: Financial Services Commission Card News)


1. Delayed withdrawal system
This is a system that is currently being introduced in all financial sectors.

When a depositor withdraws or transfers money from a bank account where cash of 1 million won or more is deposited using an ATM, etc.

It is a system that prevents voice phishing scammers from withdrawing damages by delaying processing for 30 minutes.

For reference, the ATM withdrawal limit is 6 million won per day. You can withdraw 6 times each of 1 million won.

Occasionally, the amount is reduced to 700,000 won without notice to the account holder. Accounts that do not use ATMs for one year are automatically reduced to 700,000 won.

(For reference, deposits without bankbooks at ATMs without real name verification were reduced from 1 million won to 500,000 won per time, and the limit of receipt was newly set at 3 million won per day. -Financial Services Commission-)

When voice phishing
Delayed withdrawal system

2. Delayed transfer service
The delayed transfer service is a service that individuals apply for by requesting to the bank.

Depending on the bank, it is possible to apply in person or through an app, and only visits to cancel is possible.

It is a service that transfers money after a certain period of time to prevent damage caused by voice phishing or incorrect entry of account number or remittance amount.

Delay time can be selected from 3 hours or 5 hours.

You can also set the amount and account for delayed transfer.

If you are aware of a scam such as voice phishing within the set time, you can cancel the transfer by contacting the bank immediately.

When voice phishing
Delayed transfer service

3. Deposit account designation service
You can freely transfer money to your designated account within the limit of electronic financial transfer, and to an account that is not designated

This is a service that allows only small amounts of money to be transferred.

When transferring to an account designated as a deposit account, the method and transfer limit are the same as general transfer transactions.

If you transfer to an account that is not designated as a deposit account, you can set a personal transfer limit of up to 1,000,000 won per day.

When voice phishing
Deposit account designation service

4. Overseas IP blocking service
This is a service that blocks access in advance when there is an access such as transfer to an overseas IP instead of a domestic IP range.

This is a service that prevents money withdrawals attempted abroad by using personal information defrauded through information leakage or hacking.

You can apply for the service online through Internet (Smart) Banking of a financial company or by visiting a branch.

Depending on the bank you use, the service content or application method may differ.

When voice phishing
Overseas IP blocking service

5. Check whether personal information is leaked
To prevent additional leakage of personal information, use the Personal Information Exposure Accident Prevention System (pd.fss.or.kr) in ‘Pine’, the consumer information portal of the Financial Supervisory Service.

In addition, through the integrated account information management service (www.payinfo.or.kr), you can check accounts or loans opened without your knowledge at a glance.

When voice phishing
When voice phishing
When voice phishing
Prevention of leakage of personal information


damage relief
Basically, voice phishing damage caused by your own mistakes is difficult to recover.

In addition, at the institutional level, the above devices can be utilized to the maximum to prevent damage quickly.

If you missed the golden time, there is no way to get relief other than to appoint a lawyer against the perpetrator and directly demand damage compensation.

At the time of the damage, the culprit was not even caught, so you should report it to the investigative agency as soon as possible.

Efforts to prevent damage in advance are more important, never happen