생애주기별 건강검진 검사항목 및 대상자 유형과 비용 Health check-up items by life cycle, types of subjects and costs

Let’s take a look at health checkup items by life cycle, types of subjects, and costs. For those who don’t know when, where, and how to get a health checkup that suits my age, I’ll give you tips on how to get a good health checkup by life cycle. We will check the health checkup items by life cycle.

생애주기별 건강검진
This is a happiness master who tells you a guide for happiness. You may have experienced the feeling that your body is heavy while working. When body fatigue accumulates, diseases that were previously lacking in immunity can occur, so you should prepare for diseases in advance through health checkups.

생애주기별 건강검진

Health check-up by life cycle is a free health check-up support system to check diseases that are easy to develop by age group in advance and prepare for the disease group. In addition to the checkup items that are supported free of charge, we will look at health checkups by life cycle that provide essential checkup items and recommendations.

⭐Table of Contents
1. Screening Subjects and Frequency
2. Checkup items by age group
1. Examination subject and period

Health insurance subscribers (employee subscribers, dependents, local subscribers) – once every 2 years (non-office workers every year)
Even Years – Even Years
Odd Year – Odd Year
2. Checkup items by age group
20s-30s – Identification of disease risk factors and dietary habits improvement factors according to family history
*Women – Support to prepare for breast cancer through cervical cancer, mammography, and breast ultrasonography
The disease with the highest incidence due to family history is cancer, and the risk of developing cancer tends to increase by up to three times if a parent, brother, or sister has cancer. However, if you have a family history, there is no need to be afraid.

If you can identify and prepare for risk factors in advance, you can prevent diseases in advance.


40s – Gastroscopy (colonoscopy for early diagnosis of colorectal cancer from the age of 45)
Gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, gastritis, esophagitis, and duodenal ulcer are typical diseases that can be diagnosed through gastroscopy. Stomach cancer and colorectal cancer have a very high mortality rate, but if early diagnosis is possible, the survival rate tends to rise to 90%.

Find out about the early symptoms and causes of colorectal cancer and preventive nutritional supplements

50’s – Stomach cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer screening support is supported, and colorectal cancer screening is recommended every year
*Male – Prostate examination support for early screening of benign prostatic hyperplasia
*Women – Screening is recommended because the incidence of hyperlipidemia, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis increases due to menopause.
As the age group rises, the incidence of cancer also increases, so it is necessary to prepare for diseases by checking health checkup items by life cycle.


60s – Cognitive function test, elderly physical function test
As I get older, my forgetfulness gets worse, and I worry more that I might be experiencing early symptoms of dementia. Dementia can improve or slow symptoms if diagnosed early. Early diagnosis is a cognitive function test.


1 in 5 Koreans over the age of 65 experience a fall. Falls can cause serious physical damage and in the worst case can lead to death, so health checkups by life cycle support physical function tests for the elderly. The physical function test for the elderly examines lower extremity muscle strength and balance, detects risk factors for falls in advance, and can help improve physical function with a sense of balance through exercise.


Above, we looked at health checkups by life cycle and checkup items for subjects by age. Make sure to take regular health checkups to achieve a healthy and happy life.