흑염소 진액 효능 및 부작용 정리 Summary of efficacy and side effects of black goat extract

Health juice, black goat juice, good for recovery from energy and fatigue

흑염소 진액 효능
Nutrients good for recovery from energy and fatigue Health juice Black goat juice efficacy Table of Contents흑염소 진액 효능

I would like to learn about the efficacy and side effects of black goat extract, one of the health foods. First of all, the black goat is an animal of the goat family, and is known to grow to a body length of 60 to 75 cm and a weight of 20 to 30 kg as a native Korean species. Both males and females have horns, and only males have beards. It also has a habit of living in groups, sometimes gathering in groups of 5 to 10.

1. Let’s start…
2. Ogon Kim Black Goat Extract
2.1. Characteristics of Ogon Kim Black Goat Extract
natural grazing
whole to the bone
Long-term low-temperature extraction makes it thick
Combination of 20 traditional ingredients
no oil
2.2. intake method
2.3. caution
3. Efficacy of Black Goat Extract
iron supplement
Alleviate menopausal symptoms and improve male sexual function
prevention of adult diseases
diabetes prevention
skin care
4. Review of intake of black goat extract


Director Kim O-gon’s black goat extract is a nutritional supplement (healthy juice) that is good for recovery from fatigue and energy, made with director Kim O-gon’s own know-how by combining black goat, a health food eaten by the royal family of Joseon, as the main ingredient, and various auxiliary ingredients. I explained why black goat is good, what the features of director Kim O-gon’s black goat extract product are, and the efficacy and reviews below. Also, director Kim O-Gon’s black goat essence product is currently on a 50% discount, so if you are interested, please visit the link below quickly to get a discount.

Genie Treasure Director Kim O-Gon Purchasing Black Goat Extract ->> Go


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This is the study diary of a novice doctor.


1. Let’s start…
Director Kim O-Gon’s black goat extract effect phrase and various image representative photos

Is the weather getting hotter these days? This summer, climate experts are predicting a super El Niño, which is likely to result in higher than usual heat, longer monsoons and rain. In particular, when El Niño came to the Korean Peninsula, it is said that the heat was hotter than before.


In this hot weather, even young people in their 30s lose energy more easily than before or get tired. What about parents in their 50s, 60s, and 70s?


Husbands, fathers, and mothers who work in the field will also lack energy due to fatigue. It will be difficult to wake up in the morning.


It is said that there are good nutrients for those who lack such energy or are tired. There are many such nutritional supplements on the market, but among them, let’s talk about the Black Goat Extract developed by Kim O-gon, a famous oriental doctor who is also known on TV.


2. Ogon Kim Black Goat Extract

First of all, why is it black goat? Why is black goat meat good for you? Find out the benefits.


Black goat has been considered a health food in Korea since ancient times. This is because black goat meat contains many nutrients that are good for health. Black goat meat may be considered healthy for the following reasons:


High in Protein: Black goat meat contains high amounts of protein, which helps maintain healthy muscles and boost energy.
Low Crude Fat: Black goat has a low crude fat content compared to other meats. There is no burden on those who are on a diet. (Crude fat: fat that is unnecessary for our body)
Good nutritional balance: Black goat meat contains a variety of essential nutrients, including iron, zinc, phosphorus and B12 vitamins, so you can get these nutrients effectively. In particular, it contains nearly twice as much iron as beef, and 5.53mg of zinc per 100g, which is twice as much as beef.
Contains omega-3 fatty acids: Black goat meat is loaded with brain-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and is low in saturated fatty acids, which are known to be good for heart health.
There is a product made from black goat juice, so it is director Kim O-gon’s black goat juice.



2.1. Characteristics of Ogon Kim Black Goat Extract
Black goat extract product 5 packs

natural grazing
Only domestic black goats that grew up eating old pumpkins through natural grazing are used! Here, old pumpkins increase sugar content and sweetness as they ripen, but they are rich in beta-carotene, carotenoids, and vitamins, which seem to make black goats more nutritious.

whole to the bone
It is literally made with whole meat bones.

Long-term low-temperature extraction makes it thick
Low-temperature extraction is an extraction method that minimizes nutrient destruction. Nutrient preservation is maximized by long-term low-temperature extraction. In addition, it is said that it is extracted so thick that it does not pass easily, such as staying for a long time and passing little by little even if it is extracted thickly and filtered through a cotton cloth.

Combination of 20 traditional ingredients
When you say black goat, you will think of the smell of Nurin. In order to get rid of this smell and create a clean taste, 20 traditional ingredients such as hwangchil, cinnamon, gal root, injin mugwort, and others were mixed in a golden ratio.

no oil
I can smell the oil. It is said that it uses a method in which the oil does not float, so that it has a clean taste that is not greasy and does not smell like oil.


2.2. intake method
Drink 1 to 2 times a day, 1 pack each time. However, it should be consumed immediately after opening.



2.3. caution

Be careful when opening the product as there is a risk of injury due to the packaging material.

If you have a special constitution such as allergy, you should check the ingredients of the product before taking it.


3. Efficacy of Black Goat Extract
Black goat is rich in nutrients necessary for our body, such as protein, potassium, calcium, zinc, minerals, and vitamins, so it is said to be good for rejuvenation and relieving fatigue.

iron supplement
It contains a lot of iron, which helps prevent anemia.

Alleviate menopausal symptoms and improve male sexual function
Arachidonic acid in black goat helps in the production of sex hormones and growth hormones.

prevention of adult diseases
It helps in blood production and promotes blood circulation. These effects prevent vascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure, as well as adult diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

diabetes prevention
Black goat juice increases insulin function and lowers blood sugar.

skin care
There is a lot of vitamin E in black goat juice, which prevents cell aging and removes blemishes.



4. Review of intake of black goat extract
Black goat juice in a bucket

There is a review saying that Dr. Kim O-Gon’s Black Goat Extract tastes like medicinal herbs and herbal medicine.


My parents in their 80s also drink it regularly, but they say that drinking it when you have no energy is better. It is a healthy juice and nutritional supplement that is good for parents in their 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s.


Parents with diabetes and high blood pressure also take black goat juice and say that it is effective. This means that black goat extract seems to have the effect of lowering blood sugar.


And some people say they feel good when they wake up in the morning, some say they don’t feel tired after taking it for a month, and some say they feel very healthy.


Personally, when I take it, director Kim O-gon’s black goat juice seems to be okay. Fatigue just recovers. energy improves Rather than this, it seems to be a feeling that makes me endure a little when I’m tired.


However, I am not sure of the effect because I am eating black garlic juice, white dandelion juice, cornus milk juice, and black maca besides this. Even so, if you eat black goat juice, you will feel that your body is healthy. If you are interested in the above health juice review, please refer to the link below.

Strawberry Black Garlic Juice, a nutritional supplement that is good for relieving fatigue

White dandelion juice, good for stomach

cornus milk juice good for male virility

Nutrients good for relieving fatigue Now Foods Black Maca


This is how Director Kim O-gon explained about black goat essence.


However, in order to take care of your health, you need to look for various other nutritional supplements on the market. Also, when you get older, joint management is important, and you need leucine protein supplements for your aging parents. Therefore, if you are interested in nutritional products that are good for your body, please refer to the product information shown below or around you.


Review of Green Store Dietary Sulfur MSM, a nutritional supplement good for knee joints


Today’s post ends here…


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