연체기록 조회 Arrangement of overdue record search method and record deletion period

연체기록 조회

1. In Nice Jikimi, you can try a free credit inquiry for non-members nationwide without membership registration. Inquiry can be done with identity verification, and my current credit rating and overdue record inquiry are supported together.

2. After agreeing to all required terms and conditions, click the Identity Verification tab.

3, Fill in your name and resident registration number and authenticate. [Mobile phone, credit card, public certificate]

4. Check my default information and short-term overdue details.

5. Check information on loans, debt guarantees, and short-term card loans.

6. If you check if you have received a negative factor in my credit score evaluation factors below, you can get help in raising your rating.
All records confirmed through overdue record inquiry are over 100,000 won. It is a false fact that if you overdue even a small amount, the record will remain and the impact will remain on the record and not good. If it is less than 100,000 won, it will not be recorded. If 5 days have passed without repayment of more than 100,000 won, the storage period is at least 3 years, and if it exceeds 90 days, the storage period becomes 5 years.

During that period, your credit rating will continue to be affected, and loan terms will be unfavorable because you can also inquire at the bank. And there are people who think that the start date of the storage period is from the day the overdue started, but this is incorrect. For all overdue payments, the storage period begins from the date of payment in full, and the overdue record is deleted only after the short-term and long-term periods are over.

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연체기록 조회

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