경기도 청년 면접수당 신청 방법 Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance application (+ required documents)

Gyeonggi-do Youth Interview Allowance is a policy to encourage job-hunting and alleviate economic burden by providing job-seeking young people with interview expenses. Anyone between the ages of 18 and 39 can apply, and can receive up to KRW 300,000 (KRW 50,000 per interview, up to 6 times) in local currency.

경기도 청년 면접수당 신청 방법

1. Brief Summary of Gyeonggi-do Youth Interview Allowance
2. Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance application qualifications
3. Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance application method (documents to be submitted)
4. Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance payment method
5. Gyeonggi-do Youth Interview Allowance Frequently Asked Questions + Reviews
For those who are familiar with the Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance business, such as application qualifications and methods, we have briefly summarized the following for your reference.

경기도 청년 면접수당 신청 방법
경기도 청년 면접수당 신청 방법

Gyeonggi-do Youth Interview Allowance-How to Apply-Thumbnail
How to apply for the 2021 Gyeonggi-do Youth Interview Allowance

아름다운 일상

1. Brief Summary of Gyeonggi-do Youth Interview Allowance

▶ Recruitment schedule: 2021.8.6.(Sat) ~ 2021.9.18.(Sat)

* The 3rd round is scheduled for December 2021, and will be re-announced when the recruitment schedule is confirmed


▶ Eligibility: Youth interviewers between the ages of 18 and 39 residing in the province who participated in the job interview

* Including part-time workers, platform workers, and freelancers)


▶ Those who are not eligible for support:

Unemployment benefit recipient
Recipients of the Ministry of Employment and Labor’s job search support fund
Employment Success Package 1 Type Member
Participants in Gyeonggi Women’s Employment Support Fund
Beneficiaries of other similar projects (Suwon-si Cheong Card, Pyeongtaek-si Pyeongchang Card, etc.)
▶ How to apply: Online application (https://thankyou.jobaba.net/Public/Wonseo/Yui/Yui924301.aspx)


▶ Amount of support: up to KRW 300,000 (KRW 50,000 per interview, support up to 6 times)

* Payment within a maximum of 30 days from the date of application


▶ Inquiries: 1877-2046


Now, let’s go into the details of each of the above items.


2. Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance application qualification confirmation

Let’s take a look at the application. Applicants must meet all three requirements below.

(Age condition) Young people between the ages of 18 and 39 as of the implementation year (born between January 2, 1981 and December 31, 2003)
(Residence requirement) A person whose address on resident registration is in Gyeonggi-do as of the date of application
(interview requirements) 2021.1.1. Applicants who applied for an interview to get a job afterwards
Unlike the Gyeonggi-do Youth Welfare Point Project, the Gyeonggi-do Youth Interview Allowance allows interviews not only at workplaces in Gyeonggi-do, but also at local companies and overseas companies, and you can apply regardless of whether you are currently employed or not.


There are various cases where you can apply and cases where you cannot apply, so you must check the cases below before applying.


▶ If application is not possible (based on application date)

Unemployment benefit recipient
Participants in the Ministry of Employment and Labor’s job search support fund
Participants in the Gyeonggi Women’s Employment Support Fund
Employment Success Package 1 Type Participant
Youth Job Seeker Transportation Cost Support Project Participants
Applying for Gyeonggi-do civil servant interview (for those scheduled to work at Gyeonggi-do Office) to receive ‘Gyeonggi-do Youth Interview Allowance’
When applying for a workplace where a family member, such as a direct descendant or spouse, is the representative
Interviews to participate in various education or training courses
In the case of an interview in which a salary is received in exchange for activities other than employment purposes, such as linking credit recognition or mentor selection
In the case of the document screening or competency test, which is the stage before the interview
If it is confirmed that you have applied for an interview for the purpose of receiving an allowance even though you have no intention of getting a job
Other cases where it cannot be acknowledged that you have applied for an interview for a job based on social norms

▶ If application is possible (based on application date)

Gyeonggi-do Youth Basic Income Participants
Participants in Gyeonggi-do Youth Transportation Expense Support Project
Participants in the national employment support system
Gyeonggi-do youth worker support project participants

3. Check how to apply for Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance (documents to be submitted)

Next, let’s look at how to apply for an interview allowance. If there is an error in the application form, if the submitted documents are incomplete, or if letters or numbers in the submitted documents cannot be identified, the applicant will be excluded from selection. Please check your submission again.


▶ How to apply: Apply online (http://thankyou.jobaba.net)


▶ Documents to be submitted

Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance application form and personal information usage agreement (to be filled out online)
ID card
(Issuance date and move-in date required, resident registration number hidden, issued within 1 month of application date) – https://www.gov.kr/
Recruitment notice (in case of interview before 4.23., submission can be omitted if the notice is deleted or cannot be confirmed due to deadlines, etc.)
interview confirmation
* Submission of an interview confirmation is a principle, but if issuance is not possible, submit 1) a written oath in lieu of the interview confirmation and 2) documents proving the interview
** Documents proving interview: Evidence of attending the interview (text message or e-mail for attending the interview) + Evidence of attending the interview (business card of the person in charge, pass or fail text message or e-mail, etc.)
Interview confirmation (form).hwp
Pledge to replace interview confirmation (form).hwp

4. Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance payment method

Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance is paid within 30 days from the date of application. It is issued in the local currency that was filled in when applying online, and it is impossible to change to another region (city or county) after submitting the application. Be sure to get it issued in the local currency of the region you will use.


The payment target is issued to those who complete subscription and registration after installing the local currency application. If you do not use local currency or apply for a new local currency, you must complete the local currency registration according to the method below.


Gimpo City: Download the Good Pay app > Sign up > Select Gimpo City
Siheung, Seongnam-si: Download the regional product center chak app > Sign up > Register password > Select region
Other 28 cities and counties: Download the Gyeonggi Local Currency app > sign up for membership > apply for a card > register the card in the app after receiving the card


▶ Notes on using local currency

Available only in selected cities and counties.
The mobile phone number listed on the application and the mobile phone number registered in the local currency must be the same.
If you do not have a mobile phone in your name, write the name of the mobile phone holder on the application form.
Those who do not register the local currency within 2 months from the date of selection are considered as abandoners and will be withdrawn.

5. Gyeonggi-do Youth Interview Allowance Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I apply if I am receiving training allowance?

A: Depending on the training institution, there are cases in which subsidy is supported and cases in which it is not. For exact details, you should contact the training institution to confirm.


Q: Is it possible to apply for allowance for video interview (Ai interview)?

A: Yes. it’s possible. Video interviews are acceptable at the interview stage in the recruitment process. However, if it is not an Ai interview at the interview stage, recognition is not possible, so please check the recruitment process.




Q: I received an interview allowance last year. If I meet the conditions this year, can I receive payment?

A: Regardless of whether it was paid last year, it can be paid this year.


Q: How can I check the selection results?

A: After logging in to the application website (http://thankyou.jobaba.net), you can check it on ‘My Page’.


Q: Where can I find out where to use it? Where is it unavailable?

A : It can be used in small businesses and markets in cities and counties. Because it is in the nature of a support fund, it cannot be used in department stores, large marts, and entertainment establishments, and detailed usage can be found on the Gyeonggi Regional Currency website (http://www.gmoney.or.kr) or within the application.


Q: I received an interview allowance from the company I interviewed for. Can I apply for Gyeonggi Youth Interview Allowance?

A: Yes. it’s possible.