어린이 비만도 계산기 Child Obesity Calculator

Obesity calculator, the easiest calculation method (+ child obesity calculator)
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It is likely to be small,” he warned, saying that this situation is contributing to the increase in childhood obesity.
Child obesity problem in Mediterranean countries

Childhood obesity is a nutritional disorder that appears from infancy to adolescence and occurs when the amount of calories consumed is greater than the amount of energy consumed. Low calorie consumption due to irregular intake of high-calorie foods and low-activity lifestyle is cited as the cause. Since only childhood obesity has problems with growth, please check your child’s obesity level through the child obesity index calculator and proceed with treatment.

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Among the various problems caused by childhood obesity, it has a great effect on precocious puberty and height growth. Growth hormone secreted during growth is important for height growth. If there is a lot of fat in the body, growth hormone is used in the metabolism to break down fat, which hinders height growth. In addition, when there are many fat cells in the body, sex hormones are rapidly secreted, so secondary sexual characteristics are faster than peers, which can cause precocious puberty.

Since childhood obesity is related to height growth, please check your child’s condition through the child obesity calculator and treat it early. The role of parents is important because in order to lose weight in a healthy way, regular exercise and a nutritious diet are required at the same time.

If obesity is found through the child obesity calculator, parents may become impatient and unreasonably increase their activity or limit their food intake. However, this can hinder the child’s growth. You need to help them get the right amount of essential nutrients such as vegetables, protein and fruits needed for growth, and do active exercise for about 30 minutes a day.

Child Obesity Calculator is a body mass index (BMI) that measures the degree of obesity. The child’s obesity calculator calculates the body mass index by dividing the weight by the square of the height.

If your height is 175 cm and your weight is 80 kg, then your body mass index is 26 as 80 ÷ (1.75 * 1.75) = 26. A body mass index of 18.5-23 is normal, 23-25 is overweight, 25-30 is obese, 30-35 is severely obese, and 35 or more is extremely obese.

Children’s BMI Calculator: The shorter the height, the higher the weight, the higher the body mass index. However, the children’s obesity calculator may not be suitable for athletes with a lot of muscle mass, children, the elderly, and pregnant women.

If your child likes to eat or is greedy for food, check if he or she is overweight. In the past, even if you were chubby than your peers, it was considered insignificant because you thought you would grow taller later, but now only childhood obesity is a disease that should not be overlooked lightly. This is because it can lead to various complications including pediatric adult diseases and precocious puberty.

Childhood obesity refers not only to being overweight, but also to an increase in the number or size of adipose tissue cells, resulting in excessive amounts of fat. Childhood obesity is a problem because in many cases it leads to adult obesity, and adult diseases such as fatty liver, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes appear early, and in severe cases, complications from adult diseases can occur.

In addition, additional weight gain can lead to spinal joint diseases such as knee pain and scoliosis, so you should be alert. As mentioned earlier, precocious puberty is also closely related to childhood obesity. Precocious puberty is the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics earlier than peers, and the increase in fat cells facilitates the secretion of sex hormones. If you have a lot of fat cells from a young age with childhood obesity, the secretion of sex hormones may be earlier than average.

Being overweight can also adversely affect a child’s emotional development. If you lose confidence because you look different from your friends and are intimidated by bullying or teasing from your friends, you may become passive in external relations or school life, and your self-esteem may drop.
[Source] Child Obesity Calculator ‘Is my child obese too?’