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Idle Time/Kids Day Price (Nutrition for height, food for height, exercise)
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These days, children have no shortage of nutrition, so you can see that they are very well developed compared to their age. When I saw a child I thought was of medium height with friends of his age, I suddenly worried that he might be too short.

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As there is a fixed period for a child to grow taller, let’s find out how to help a child grow taller, food, nutritional supplements, etc.


▶How to grow taller

<Nutrients for height growth>

In order not to miss the growing season of their children, many parents purchase height growth supplements.


However, depending on the brand and the tendency of the child, there are many people who are anxious because they do not eat well due to the slight difference in taste.


In the case of iCulttime, which has a jelly type and a liquid type, it contains red ginseng in addition to complex functional ingredients such as HT042, which is helpful for height growth, so it is recommended for friends who are prone to common diseases in kindergarten or school. In the case of friends who don’t eat well, I think Iker, which can be eaten with milk, is okay.



If you are a child who likes vitamin candy like my child, Kids Day is also delicious, so I think this type will be good because children really like it.


The advantages and price information of each brand are covered in more detail in the related articles below, so please refer to them together.

Idle Time/Iker/Kids Day (Effect, comparison, price of nutritional supplements for children’s height)

These days, the children eat well, are very well developed, and are tall. However, if only my child does something different when it comes to meal time and only eats food, let alone growth, if only cavities increase, I get angry.


▶ Foods that help you grow taller

As many people know, Shiki’s calcium and vitamin D ingredients help you grow taller. Representative examples include milk, seaweed such as seaweed, and mushrooms, which are rich in calcium and vitamin D.


In addition, it is important to eat a high-protein diet as there is an opinion that one of the causes of the better development of Westerners than Easterners is the difference in meat intake. However, since meat oil contains a lot of saturated fat, it is recommended to consume meat with as little fat as possible, and soybeans and tofu, which are rich in vegetable protein, can also help.


▶Exercise to grow taller
In the end, it is safe to say that growing taller depends on how well the growth plates are stimulated at the time when the growth plates are open and how well the growth hormone is secreted.

First of all, exercises such as jumping rope, basketball, badminton, and volleyball, which can stimulate the growth plate, can be appropriate stimulation and help in height growth. However, if it is too excessive, the joint may be damaged, so it is better to do it within a reasonable level.


In addition, children grow taller when they sleep, so it can be helpful to help them develop the habit of stretching while touching their knees before and after sleeping.